AAS 202nd Meeting, May 2003
Session 55 Solar Systems to Galaxies
Oral, Thursday, May 29, 2003, 10:00-11:30am, 108/109

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[55.01] The Interior of the Sun

O. Manuel, A. Katragada (University of Missouri)

The Sun's surface is mostly hydrogen, but decay products of short-lived nuclides and linked elemental and isotopic variations in meteorites show that a) a supernova occurred 5 Gy ago [1], b) the Sun formed on its neutron-rich core, and c) its debris formed the planetary system [2]. At the solar surface light (L) elements and isotopes are enriched relative to heavy (H) ones by a common mass-fractionation (f) [3], where f = (H/L)\textsuperscript{4.56}. Solar flares dredge up heavier elements and isotopes [4]. Beneath its hydrogen-veneer, the Sun consists mostly of the same elements that comprise 99% of ordinary meteorites: Fe, Ni, O, Si, S, Mg, Ca [5].

Nuclear systematics [6] reveal an instability toward neutron emission in assemblages of neutrons. Neutron-emission from the collapsed SN core in the Sun initiates reactions that generate the observed neutrino flux (without oscillations), luminosity, and an outpouring of H\textsuperscript{+} ions in the solar wind [7]. This upward movement of H\textsuperscript{+} ions maintains mass separation. Magnetic fields released by the Meissner effect from a charged fluid of boson-rich nuclides (the major isotopes of Fe, Ni, O, Si, S, Mg, and Ca) should accelerate H\textsuperscript{+} ions upward [8]. This may be tested by looking for a) solar cycles induced by rotation of a central neutron star in the charged Bose gas [8] and b) an anomalous abundance of Fermi nuclides relative to fractionation when magnetic fields penetrate the solar surface and eject material, e.g., \textsuperscript{3}He and \textsuperscript{25}Mg. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ REFERENCES: \\ 1. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg1.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg1.html \\ 2. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg2.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg2.html \\ 3. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg3.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg3.html \\ 4. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg4.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg4.html \\ 5. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg5.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg5.html \\ 6. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg6.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg6.html \\ 7. www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg7.pdf or www.umr.edu/\char126 om/fg7.html \\ 8. B. W. Ninham, ìCharged Bose gas in astrophysics,î\emph{ Physics Letters } {\bf4}, 278 (1963)

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35 #3
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.