AAS 202nd Meeting, May 2003
Session 17 Deep Imaging Surveys
Oral, Monday, May 26, 2003, 2:00-3:30pm, 205/206

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[17.04] The Lyman-Break Galaxy Size-Redshift Relation

H. C. Ferguson, M. Dickinson, M. Giavalisco (STScI), C. Kretchmer (JHU), S. Ravindranath (STScI), R. Idzi (JHU), E. Taylor (U. Melbourne), C. J. Conselice (Caltech), J. P. Gardner (NASA/GSFC), S. M. Fall, M. Livio (STScI), J. Lotz, P. Madau (UCSC), L. Moustakas (STScI), C. Papovich (U. Arizona), R. S. Somerville (STScI), H. Spinrad (Berkeley), D. Stern (JPL), GOODS Team

Hubble Space Telescope ACS images of color-selected high-redshift galaxies are used to examine the size and axial-ratio distribution of galaxies at lookback times t > 10 Gyr. Observations consist of images taken in the F435W (B), F606W (V), F775W (i) , and F850LP (z) filters to depths of roughly AB = 26 mag in the z band. The images have a resolution of approximately 0.1 arcsec, providing a resolution better than 1 kpc at any redshift for cosmological parameters consistent with the WMAP results. The galaxies are observed to have roughly constant angular half-light radii from redshifts z ~2.5 to z ~5, implying that the physical sizes decrease toward higher redshift, as expected from hierarchical models. The distribution of axial ratios indicates that Lyman-break galaxies at z=3 and z=4 are, on average, spheroidal systems rather than flat disks.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: ferguson@stsci.edu

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35 #3
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.