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J.V. Ciccarelli (GW Carver HS of Engineering and Science), R.J. Maddalena (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
During the summer of 2003, JVC participated in an observing project that used the Green Bank Telescope to observe the Galactic Center at two radio frequencies: 5 GHz and 10 GHz. The collected data was transformed into Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) format images resulting in high-quality images that clearly show features previously found at other wavelengths.
The scientific research project resulted in a student-led research project that will analyze this region and its specific features to identify the emission mechanism of these radio waves. Students will use a variety of software programs to visualize the data collected including: Psi-Plot, Sky Image Processor, Hands-On Universe and FITSView. Once completed and refined, this project will be made available to other teachers through NRAO’s web page. Ideally, this data can be compared to public-domain images in other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum to help students understand that this information coupled with other observations can explain how and why it is emitted.
This work was supported through the NSF RET program.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.