AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 59 Get'em Hooked: Pre-college Astronomy

Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Hanover Hall

59.01 The Pre-Instructors in Math and Science (PIMAS) Program at the University of Arizona’s Flandrau Science Center
G. Brissenden, T. F. Slater, D. Colodner, S. Johnson (University of Arizona)
59.02 Taking Back the Future with an Innovative Program for Training Science Teachers
E. J. Hooper, G. Dickinson, M. H. Walker, M. P. Marder, P. Kumar (UT Austin)
59.03 Research Experience for Teachers at NRAO-Green Bank: RFI in the 340 MHz Band.
R. T. Sparks (Prarie School, Racine, Wisc.), F. D. Ghigo (NRAO Green Bank, WV)
59.04 Research Experience for Teachers at NRAO-Green Bank: Comparing the Galactic Center at 5 GHz and 10 GHz
J.V. Ciccarelli (GW Carver HS of Engineering and Science), R.J. Maddalena (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
59.05 The Detection of Gyrosynchrotron Emission from IRC+10216
M. Williams (Belen High School & NRAO), M. Claussen (NRAO), R. Sahai (JPL), K. B. Marvel (AAS), D. Boboltz (USNO)
59.06 Radio Frequency Interference: Projects and Activities Developed for the High School Earth Science, Astronomy, and Physics Classroom
S.K. Dunn (Tewksbury High School/ MIT Haystack Observatory), J. Brown (Tyngsboro High School/ MIT Haystack Observatory)
59.07 Educational Exchanges Across the Equator
D.J. Norman (NOAO-S/NSF AAPF), C.E. Walker (NOAO), M. Smith (AURA/NOAO), S.M. Pompea (NOAO), D. Orellana (REDLASER)
59.08 Un Puente A Los Cielos -- A Bridge To The Skies
K. K. Dyer (NRAO, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow), R. J. Harrison, A. C. Poindexter (NRAO)
59.09 Telescopes in Education: the Little Thompson Observatory
A.E. Schweitzer (Little Thompson Observatory), T.T. Melsheimer (Meridian Controls and LTO)
59.10 Astronomy and Space Camp Competition: Who Enters? Who Nominates? Who Wins?
G. Wise, M.C. Gino (Dudley Observatory)

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