AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 89 Galaxy Clusters at High Redshift
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[89.10] An 80 Mpc filament of galaxies at redshift z=2.38

B.E. Woodgate (NASA/GSFC), P. Palunas (U. Texas), P.J. Francis (Australian National U.), G.M. Williger (Johns Hopkins U.), H.I. Teplitz (SIRTF Science Center)

We present the detection of 34 Lyman-alpha emission-line galaxy candidates in a 80 x 80 x 60 co-moving Mpc region surrounding the known z=2.38 galaxy cluster J2143-4423. We have confirmed 15 of these candidates in followup spectroscopy with 2dF at the AAT. The peak space density is a factor of 4 greater than that found by field samples at similar redshifts.

The distribution of these galaxy candidates contains several 5-10 Mpc scale voids. We compare our observations with mock catalogs derived from the VIRGO consortium Lambda-CDM N-body simulations. Fewer than 1% of the mock catalogues contain voids as large as we observe. Our observations thus tentatively suggest that the galaxy distribution at redshift 2.38 contains larger voids than predicted by current models. The distribution of galaxies suggests a filament or cross-section of a great wall at least 80 x 10 Mpc in transverse extent.

Three of the candidate galaxies and one previously discovered galaxy have the large luminosities and extended morphologies of ``Lyman-alpha blobs''. X-ray properties and physical characteristics of those blobs will be discussed in an accompanying poster by Williger et al.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.