AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 89 Galaxy Clusters at High Redshift
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 89.01 Simulations of the Complex Hierarchical Growth of Structure
- E.J. Hallman (University of Minnesota), D. Ryu (Chungnam National University, Korea), H. Kang (Pusan National University, Korea), T.W. Jones (University of Minnesota)
- 89.02 Clustsering properties of High-Redshift galaxies in the GOODS field
- K.S. Lee (Johns Hopkins University), M. Giavalisco, M.E. Dickinson (Space Telescope Science Institute), GOODS Team
- 89.03 Explorations in Multiwavelength Cluster Detection Using Chandra
- D. A. Perley (Cornell University), P. J. Green, W. A. Barkhouse, D.-W. Kim, J. D. Silverman, P. W. Maksym, R. A. Cameron (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 89.04 Using the Red Sequence to Find Clusters in the DLS
- R. E. Wilcox (U. of Washington), D. J. Norman (CTIO/NSFAAPF)
- 89.05 H\alpha Star-Formation Rates for the z=0.84 Galaxy Cluster CLJ0023+0423B
- R. A. Finn (U. Mass), D. Zaritsky, D. W. McCarthy, Jr. (Steward Observatory)
- 89.06 Two- and Three-Dimensional Maps of Dark Matter Distribution in the GOODS survey
- J. Albert, J. Rhodes, C. Conselice, R. Ellis (California Institute of Technology), A. Refregier (CEA Saclay), K. Bundy (California Institute of Technology)
- 89.07 HST/ACS Imaging of 10 High Redshift Clusters from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey
- V. Desai (University of Washington), L. Simard (Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics), J. J. Dalcanton (University of Washington), EDiSCS Collaboration
- 89.08 Dark Matter Properties and the Structure of Galaxy Clusters
- J. S. Arabadjis, M. W. Bautz (MIT)
- 89.09 Lyman-Alpha Blobs in a Filament at z=2.38
- G.M. Williger (Johns Hopkins U.), P.J. Francis (Australian National U.), R.F. Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC), P. Palunas (U. Texas), H.I. Teplitz (SIRTF Science Center), K.A. Weaver (NASA/GSFC), R.E. White (U. Alabama), B.E. Woodgate (NASA/GSFC)
- 89.10 An 80 Mpc filament of galaxies at redshift z=2.38
- B.E. Woodgate (NASA/GSFC), P. Palunas (U. Texas), P.J. Francis (Australian National U.), G.M. Williger (Johns Hopkins U.), H.I. Teplitz (SIRTF Science Center)
- 89.11 iA New Large Deep Submillimeter Survey of Gravitationally Lensing Galaxy Clusters
- K.K. Knudsen, P.P. van der Werf, M. Franx (Leiden Observatory)
- 89.12 Gemini GMOS-IFU Observations of the Biggest Black Holes
- S. E. Busch, K. Gebhardt (U. Texas, Austin), T. R. Lauer (NOAO), R. van der Marel (STScI)
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