AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 88 Bl-Lac-Ish Objects

Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

88.01 Microvariability Observations of BL Lacertae, OJ 287, and PKS 1156+295
E.S. Howard (Florida International Univ., Miami, FL), J.R. Webb (Florida International Univ., Miami, FL and the SARA Observatory), J.T. Pollock (Applachian State Univ., and the Dark Sky Observatory), R.M. Branly (Broward Community College, Davie, FL), A. Van Werven (Broward Community College, Davie, FL and the Buehler Observatory)
88.02 Multi-Color Microvariability in HBLs: 1ES 1959+650
W. L. Wills, M.T. Carini (Western Kentucky University)
88.03 The Very High Energy Spectrum of 1ES1959+650
M.K. Daniel (Iowa State University), VERITAS Collaboration
88.04 Is the Core of BL Lac Precessing?
R. L. Mutel (University of Iowa), G. R. Denn (Sweet Briar College)

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