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E. Glikman, D. J. Helfand (Columbia U.), M. D. Gregg (UC Davis), M. Lacy (SIRTF), R. H. Becker (UC Davis), R. L. White (STScI)
We have constructed a sample of bright near-infrared sources which are both detected at radio wavelengths and are undetected on the POSS I plates in order to search for a population of dust-obscured quasars. Optical and infrared spectroscopic followup of the sample has led to the discovery of seventeen heavily reddened quasars (B-K>6), and has allowed us to define a region in the R-K, J-K color plane in which 50% of the objects are quasars. We compare the surface density of this previously overlooked population to that of UVX- and radio-selected quasars, finding that they comprise at least ~5% of the total quasar population for K<16.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.