AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 78 Quasars and QSOs
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 78.01 The Tilt of the QSO Fundamental Plane: A Characteristic of AGN Classes?
- T. S. Hamilton (Shawnee State University), D. A. Turnshek (University of Pittsburgh), S. Casertano (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- 78.02 Angular Cross-correlations between APM Galaxies and Hamburg-ESO QSOs
- J.G. Nollenberg, L.L.R. Williams (University of Minnesota)
- 78.03 Are Quasars associated with Dark Matter Overdensities?
- D.J. Norman (CTIO/NSF AAPF), D. Loomba (Univ. of New Mexico), DLS Team
- 78.04 Probing the faint end of the z>3 radio-quiet quasar luminosity function
- O. P. Kuhn (JAC)
- 78.05 QSO UV/Optical Continuum Variability and Accretion Disks
- N. A. Pereyra, D. E. Vanden Berk, D. J. Hillier, D. A. Turnshek (University of Pittsburgh)
- 78.06 Spectral Variability of Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- B.C. Wilhite (University of Chicago), D.E. Vanden Berk (University of Pittsburgh), Sloan Digital Sky Survey Collaboration
- 78.07 Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Second Data Release
- J. R. Trump (Penn State University), P. B. Hall (Princeton University), T. A. Reichard (Johns Hopkins University), G. T. Richards (Princeton University), D. P. Schneider (Penn State University)
- 78.08 Quantifying the Local Environment of Low Redshift Quasars
- R. J. Brunner, A. Bender (University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana)
- 78.09 The Black Hole - Galaxy Bulge Relationship for QSOs in the SDSS DR1
- S. Salviander, G. A. Shields, K. Gebhardt (University of Texas at Austin)
- 78.10 Magellan observations of quasars with radio and X-ray jets
- J. Gelbord, H.L. Marshall, B.P. Miller (MIT), D.A. Schwartz (SAO), D.M. Worrall, M. Birkinshaw (SAO & U. Bristol), E.S. Perlman (UMBC), J. Lovell, D. Jauncey (CSIRO), D.W. Murphy, R.A. Preston (JPL)
- 78.11 The Historical calibrated Light Curve of Gamma-ray Bright Quasar PKS 1622-297
- J. R. Webb, E. S. Howard, G. Azarnia (Florida International University and the SARA Observatory), B. R. Kent (Cornell University)
- 78.12 Intrinsic absorption lines in the quasar PG0935+417
- P. Rodriguez Hidalgo, F. Hamann (University of Florida)
- 78.13 VLBA observations of z > 4 radio-loud quasars
- E. Momjian (NAIC), A. O. Petric (Columbia University), C. L. Carilli (NRAO)
- 78.14 The Role of Dust in Modifying Quasar SEDs
- A. Constantin, J. C. Shields (Ohio University)
- 78.15 Fe+ Emission in PG1626+554: Model Predictions and HST/FOS Observations
- E. Verner, F. Bruhwheiler (GSFC/NASA & CUA), Y. Tsuzuki, K. Kawara, Y. Yoshii, S. Oyabu (IofA, Tokyo Univ.)
- 78.16 Luminosity and Redshift Dependence of Quasar Spectral Properties in the SDSS
- D.E. Vanden Berk, C.W. Yip, A.J. Connolly (Pittsburgh), C. Stoughton, S. Jester (Fermilab), SDSS Collaboration
- 78.17 Poststarburst Quasars in the Sloan Digitial Sky Survey
- A. M. Diamond-Stanic (Carleton College), M. S. Brotherton (University of Wyoming)
- 78.18 Probing the Triggering & Fueling Mechanisms for Quasars
- E. J. Hooper (McDonald Obs.), R. A. Finn (UMass), C. D. Impey (Steward Obs.)
- 78.19 Efficient Color Selection of Faint Quasars from SDSS Imaging
- G.T. Richards (Princeton), R.C. Nichol, A.G. Gray (CMU), R.J. Brunner (Illinois), R.H. Lupton (Princeton), D.E. Vanden Berk (Pittsburgh)
- 78.20 The Reddest Quasars - Below the APM Detection Threshold
- E. Glikman, D. J. Helfand (Columbia U.), M. D. Gregg (UC Davis), M. Lacy (SIRTF), R. H. Becker (UC Davis), R. L. White (STScI)
- 78.21 VLBI Polarimetry of a New Core Outburst in 3C 273 at 43 and 86 GHz
- N. E. Gugliucci (Lycoming College), J. M. Attridge, R. B. Phillips (MIT Haystack Observatory)
- 78.22 VLBA Polarimetry of the Quasars 3C273 and 3C279 at 43 and 86 GHz
- J. M. Attridge (MIT Haystack Observatory), J. F. C. Wardle (Brandeis University), D. C. Homan (Denison University), R. B. Phillips (MIT Haystack Observatory)
- 78.23 Near-UV Spectra of Narrow-Line Quasars from the SDSS
- J. R. Moore, K. M. Leighly, D. Casebeer (The University of Oklahoma)
- 78.24 Principal Component Analysis of New QSO Samples
- A. M. Hughes (Yale U. and NOAO), T. A. Boroson (NOAO)
- 78.25 A Census of Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines at z~3.0
- T. Misawa, M. Eracleous, J. Charlton (Penn State University), R. Ganguly (STScI), D. Tytler, D. Kirkman, J. O'Meara, N. Suzuki, D. Lubin (UCSD)
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