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P. Rodriguez Hidalgo, F. Hamann (University of Florida)
Energetic winds are probably present in all AGNs. We are involved in a program to use the intrinsic absorption lines in quasar spectra to i) study the outflow physics, and ii) measure the chemical abundances to constrain indirectly the extent of star formation and chemical enrichment in the galaxy hosts.
Intrinsic absorption lines form in regions that are physically linked to the quasar (as opposed to the many other lines in quasar spectra that form in unrelated, intervening material). We will present spectra and analysis for the quasar PG0935+417 (zem = 1.94), which shows extreme high-velocity intrinsic absorption lines (at zabs = 1.49, or a velocity of 0.17c). Outflows like this are very rare (only one other quasar presently known, PG2302+029, has intrinsic lines at similar velocities). Nonetheless, these extreme outflows might be common in quasars if the flows subtend a small fraction of the sky as seen from the central source. Spectra for this study were obtained from the HST archives and from our own observation using the Shane 3m telescope at the Lick Observatory (Univ. of California).
This work is supported by the University of Florida Alumni Fellowship Program, and by the National Science Foundation via grant AST99-84040.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: paola@astro.ufl.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.