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M. Hancock, D. Weistrop (UNLV), M. E. Kaiser (JHU)
We have obtained STIS longslit spectra of the central region of NGC 4194. The spectra cover the wavelength range 1150-1750 angstroms in the UV and 2900-10270 angstroms in the visible. Preliminary results from the study of the star forming properties are presented. Relative fluxes of several emission lines have been measured. We determine the average E(B-V)~ 0.75 mag using the combined Halpha+[NII] flux. If the [NII] contribution is 40% then the average E(B-V)~0.33 mag. Using Starburst99, and the EW(Halpha+[NII]) and EW(Hbeta), we estimate the ages of the star forming regions to be ~5.5-9.5 Myrs. The total Halpha+[NII] luminosity yields a SFR of ~6 solar mass/yr and the total [OII] luminosity yields a SFR of ~4-7 solar mass/yr (Kennicutt 1998). Future plans include abundance calculations to better constrain the Starburst99 models. We will also compare the properties of the star forming regions in NGC 4194 to globular clusters in the Milky Way and other nearby interacting galaxies. An imaging study of a larger region of NGC 4194, The Mass Distribution and Star-Formation Rate of the Star-Forming Knots in NGC 4194, by Weistrop et al., can be found in this session.
This work has been supported in part by NASA, under grant NAS5-31231, and through the Nevada Space Grant Consortium
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.