AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 115 Dwarf, Irregular and Starburst Galaxies
Poster, Thursday, January 8, 2004,
9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall
- 115.01 The Kinematics of LMC Red Supergiants
- K.A.G. Olsen (NOAO/CTIO), P. Massey (Lowell Observatory)
- 115.02 Neutral Hydrogen in the Interacting Magellanic Spirals NGC 4618/4625
- S. Bush (Case Western Reserve University), E. Wilcots (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- 115.03 Superwind-driven Intense H2 Emission in NGC 6240: Detailed Comparison of Kinematical and Morphological Structures of the Warm and Cold Molecular Gas
- Y. Ohyama (Subaru Telescope, NAOJ), M. Yoshida (Okayama Astrophys. Obs., NAOJ), T. Takata (Subaru Telescope, NAOJ)
- 115.04 Dark Matter Halo Properties of Nearby, Late-type Galaxies
- M. Tavarez (U. of Michigan/U. of Washington), M. Mateo (U. of Michigan), J. Dalcanton (U. of Washington)
- 115.05 Revealing the Young Starburst in Haro 3 with Radio and Infrared Imaging
- K.E. Johnson, R. Indebetouw, C. Watson (U. Wisconsin), H.A. Kobulnicky (U. Wyoming)
- 115.06 The Large-Scale Environment of Metal-Poor Galaxies
- L. Hao, M. A. Strauss (Princeton University), R. R. Rojas, M. S. Vogeley (Drexel University), Sloan Digital Sky Survey Collaboration
- 115.07 Warm molecular gas in galaxy-galaxy merger NGC6090
- J. Wang (CfA), SAO and ASIAA SMA Team
- 115.08 High Sensitivity Observations of the Satellite OH Lines of Arp 220
- T. Ghosh (NAIC), D.W. Kavars, P.E. Robinson (U. Minnesota), A. Saintonge (Cornell U.), S.T. Strasser (U. Minnesota), C.J. Salter (NAIC)
- 115.09 Exploring the Possible Chemical Inhomogeneity in NGC 6822
- H. Lee, E. D. Skillman (Univ. of Minnesota), K. A. Venn (Macalester College; Univ. of Minnesota)
- 115.10 Determining the Stellar Populations of UGC 2302
- M. S. Bovill (University of Maryland / NOAO), B. J. Pritzl (NOAO), P. M. Knezek (WIYN)
- 115.11 Extended Tidal Structure In Two Lyman Alpha Emitting Starburst Galaxies
- J. M. Cannon, E. D. Skillman (University of Minnesota), D. Kunth (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), C. Leitherer (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- 115.12 Optical Imaging of Nearby Very Luminous IR Galaxies
- H. Bushouse, S. Arribas, R. A. Lucas (STScI), L. Colina (IAC/CSIC), K. D. Borne (GMU)
- 115.13 Tidal Debris in Starburst Galaxies
- E. H. Wehner, J. S. Gallagher (U. of Wisconsin - Madison)
- 115.14 Mapping the Extended HI Distribution in Sextans A
- E. Bowsher, D. Hunter (Lowell Observatory), E. Wilcots, A. Kepley, V. Goad (University of Wisconsin)
- 115.15 A Spectroscopic Study of the Star-Forming Properties of the Center of NGC 4194
- M. Hancock, D. Weistrop (UNLV), M. E. Kaiser (JHU)
- 115.16 The Mass Distribution and Star-Formation Rate of the Star-Forming Knots in NGC 4194
- D. Weistrop, D. Eggers, M. Hancock, C.H. Nelson, R. Bachilla (UNLV), M.E. Kaiser (JHU)
- 115.17 The Metal Content of Dwarf Starburst Winds: Results from Chandra Observations of Henize 2-10
- H.A. Kobulnicky (University of Wyoming), C.L. Martin (U.C. Santa Barbara)
- 115.18 The Neutral Hydrogen Distribution of the Local Group Dwarf WLM.
- D.C. Jackson, E.D. Skillman, J.M. Cannon (University of Minnesota), S. Cote (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics / National Research Council of Canada)
- 115.19 Star Formation Properties of Irregular Galaxies
- D. A. Hunter (Lowell Observatory), B. G. Elmegreen (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
- 115.20 Kinematics of the Cold ISM in Dwarf Starburst Galaxies
- C. M. Schwartz, C. L. Martin (UC Santa Barbara)
- 115.21 DDO 210
- M. Iyer, C. Simpson (Florida International University), D. Hunter (Lowell Observatory)
- 115.22 A Search for Stars in the M81 Group's HI Tidal Tails
- M.E. DeCesar, P.R. Durrell, R. Ciardullo (Penn State University), D. Hurley-Keller, J.J. Feldmeier (Case Western Reserve University)
- 115.23 A Chandra survey of the SMC Bar: First Results
- J.C. McDowell, A. Zezas (SAO), P.A. Taylor (SAO, Boston College), D. Hatzidimitriou (University of Crete), V. Kalogera (Northwestern U.), G. Fabbiano (SAO)
- 115.24 Bright Sources in a Chandra Survey of the Bar Region in the Small Magellanic Cloud Galaxy
- P. Taylor (Boston College, SAO), A. Zezas, J. C. McDowell (SAO), D. Hatzidimitriou (University of Crete (Greece)), V. Kalogera (Northwestern University), G. Fabbiano (SAO)
- 115.25 3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of supernova-driven galactic outflows
- D. C. Dinge, I. Chakraborty (Coastal Carolina University), D. K. Strickland (The Johns Hopkins University)
- 115.26 The Role of Environment on the Star Formation Histories of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
- J. M. Dunn, P. M. Marcum (TCU), M. N. Fanelli (UNT)
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