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S. Chakrabarti, C.F. McKee (UCB)
The turbulent core model for massive star formation (McKee & Tan 2002) generalizes the standard isothermal collapse model for low-mass stars to include turbulent pressure support. This model predicts reasonable massive star formation times of order 105 years, which is short enough to overcome the radiation pressure of the newly formed star. We calculate the millimeter and infrared spectrum predicted by the turbulent core model and compare with observations of several hot molecular cores. We consider spherically symmetric dust envelopes and use DUSTY, a 1-D radiative transfer code (Ivezic, Nenkova, Elitzur 1997), to numerically calculate the SEDs of these hot cores. We also analytically calculate the spectra in the asymptotic regions of low and high frequency and join these asymptotic forms smoothly by a fitting function that minimizes the relative error between the analytic and numerical spectra. Thus, we are able to express the functional dependence of the spectra of hot cores in terms of the dynamical variables of any given collapse model. This approach allows us to use observed SEDs as a diagnostic tool in inferring physical conditions in these cores.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.