AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 94 Embedded Protostars
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Hanover Hall
- 94.01 Submillimeter Imaging of the Monoceros R2 Star Forming Region
- D.J. Benford (NASA / GSFC), T.R. Hunter (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J.G. Staguhn (SSAI / GSFC)
- 94.02 The Physical and Kinematic Structure of the DR 21 (OH) Star Formation Region
- C.C. Kaleida (The University of Georgia and The National Radio Astronomy Observatory), J.G. Mangum (The National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
- 94.03 A new mid-infrared map of the BN/KL region using the Keck telescope
- R. Y. Shuping, M. Morris (Div. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UCLA), J. Bally (Center for Astrophysics & Space Astronomy, CU Boulder)
- 94.04 Wide Angle H-alpha Survey for PMS Objects
- L.R. Evanko, M.D. Joner (Brigham Young University)
- 94.05 Interesting Sources from the VLBA OH MASER Survey
- V. Migenes, L. Cruz-Vazquez, A. E. Ruiz-Velasco (University of Guanajuato), V. I. Slysh, I. E. Val'tts (Astro Space Center)
- 94.06 Time Variability of Young Stellar Objects in the Chamaeleon I Dark Cloud
- N. Crockett, M. Meyer (University of Arizona), M. Robberto, S.V.W. Beckwith (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- 94.07 Mid-Infrared Observations of Class I/Flat-Spectrum Objects in the \rho Ophiuchi, Serpens, and Chamaeleon I & II Dark Clouds
- S. Springsteen, K. Haisch Jr. (University of Michigan), M. Barsony (San Francisco State University), T. Greene (NASA Ames Research Center), R. Jayawardhana (University of Michigan)
- 94.08 Combining Radiative Transfer Models of BIMA and SCUBA Continuum Observations of Class 0 Cores
- Y. L. Shirley (NRAO), N. J. Evans II (University of Texas), L. G. Mundy (University of Maryland)
- 94.09 X-ray Observations of Embedded Young Stars in L1630
- S. M. Andrews, T. Simon, J. T. Rayner (IfA - University of Hawaii), S. A. Drake (HEASARC, NASA/GSFC)
- 94.10 The Nature of the Massive Young Stars in W75 N
- D. S. Shepherd (NRAO), S. E. Kurtz (Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM), L. Testi (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisco di Arcetri)
- 94.11 VLBA H2O Maser and VLA NH3 Observations of the Early B Protostar G192.16--3.84
- T. Borders (Sonoma State University), D.S. Shepherd, M. Claussen (NRAO), S.E. Kurtz (Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM)
- 94.12 Near-IR Spectroscopy of Embedded Protostars Reveal Key Physical Properties
- G.W. Doppmann, T.P. Greene (NASA Ames Research Center), C.J. Lada (CfA Harvard), K.R. Covey (University of Washington)
- 94.13 Spectra of Hot Cores
- S. Chakrabarti, C.F. McKee (UCB)
- 94.14 Compact Mid-IR Emission from High-Mass Protostellar Candidates
- M.F. Campbell (Colby Col.), T.K. Sridharan (CfA), M. Kassis (Keck Obs.), J.L. Hora (CfA), L.K. Deutsch (BU/CfA), H. Beuther (CfA)
- 94.15 Radiative Transfer Model Fitting of Hubble NICMOS Data for the Class I Protostar TMC-1 (IRAS 04381+2540)
- K. Nielson, S. Terebey (California State Univeristy, Los Angeles), D. Van Buren (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- 94.16 Magnetic Fields near the Young Stellar Object IRAS 16293-2422
- M. Claussen (NRAO), A. P. Sarma (E. Kentucky Univ.), A. Wootten (NRAO), K. B. Marvel (AAS), B. Wilking (UMSL)
- 94.17 Near-IR Observations of Massive Protostars: Detection of G192.16-3.82
- R. Indebetouw, C. Watson, K.E. Johnson, B. Whitney, E. Churchwell (U Wisconsin)
- 94.18 Mid-Infrared Imaging of Massive Young Stars
- R.R. Billmeier, R. Jayawardhana (University of Michigan), M. Marengo (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), D. Mardones (Departamento de Astronomia, Universidad de Chile), J. Alves (European Southern Observatory, Garching)
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