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V. Migenes, L. Cruz-Vazquez, A. E. Ruiz-Velasco (University of Guanajuato), V. I. Slysh, I. E. Val'tts (Astro Space Center)
During January 2001 approximately 50 OH Maser sources were observed with the VLBA. The main object is to study, with very high resolution, the strength of the emission and when possible, the structure and distribution of the maser spots. Approximately 10% of the sources exhibit highly compact structure and moderately strong emission. Some of the sources exhibit 1612 or 1720 MHz emission, which is very rare in star forming regions, while a few exhibited stronger emission in the 1667 MHz line than in the 1665 MHz main line.
We present results for some of the most interesting sources and we discuss these results in view of what is known of the source.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.