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S. Springsteen, K. Haisch Jr. (University of Michigan), M. Barsony (San Francisco State University), T. Greene (NASA Ames Research Center), R. Jayawardhana (University of Michigan)
We present new mid-infrared 10 micron observations of 31 Class I/flat-spectrum young stellar objects in the nearby \rho Ophiuchi (d = 125 pc), Serpens (d = 310 pc) and Chamaeleon I and II (d = 160 pc and d = 178 pc respectively) dark clouds. Combined with our existing near-infrared JHKL (1 - 3.5 \mum) data, we construct spatially resolved spectral energy distributions for all binary/multiple objects to determine the evolutionary states for all system components. The results are compared with those typically found among older T Tauri stars. These observations are part of a larger systematic infrared multiplicity survey of Class I/flat-spectrum objects in the nearest dark clouds.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.