AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 94 Embedded Protostars
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Hanover Hall

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[94.08] Combining Radiative Transfer Models of BIMA and SCUBA Continuum Observations of Class 0 Cores

Y. L. Shirley (NRAO), N. J. Evans II (University of Texas), L. G. Mundy (University of Maryland)

Current theoretical models of low-mass (M < few Msun) star formation predict the evolution of the density, temperature, and velocity structure within the envelope of the core. In particular, the density profile as a function of radius is a strong discriminator between theories. Submillimeter and millimeter dust continuum is a powerful probe of the physical conditions in the envelopes of star-forming cores since the optically thin emission is sensitive to the density, temperature, and opacity structure along the line-of-sight. Recent surveys with the single-dish bolometer camera, SCUBA, have imaged the continuum emission on large scales (103 to 104 AU) towards more than 50 Pre-protostellar cores, Class 0, and Class I cores. State-of-the-art radiative transfer models account for heating from the interstellar radiation field and/or an internal source, beam convolution, and chopping. By simultaneously matching the observed continuum intensity profiles (at multiple wavelengths) and the observed spectral energy distribution, the models constrain the physical structure of the core. However, the models are unable to place strong constraints on the conditions within the central beam, typically on scales \leq 103 AU. Interferometric continuum imaging is vital for probing the inner envelope structure and constraining the emission properties of a disk.

Integrated radiative transfer models of SCUBA 850 and 450 \mum observations and BIMA 2.7 mm observations of four Class 0 cores are presented. Each core was observed with four array configurations of BIMA (A, B, C, & D) resulting in extensive spatial coverage (\approx 1\prime \prime to 20\prime \prime). The combined models probe the physical structure on scales of 102 to 104 AU.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.