AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
Session 94 Embedded Protostars
Poster, Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Hanover Hall

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[94.09] X-ray Observations of Embedded Young Stars in L1630

S. M. Andrews, T. Simon, J. T. Rayner (IfA - University of Hawaii), S. A. Drake (HEASARC, NASA/GSFC)

We present a deep X-ray image of the Lynds 1630 (L1630) cloud in Orion. The observation was obtained with the ACIS-S camera on board the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and was centered on the Herbig-Haro sources HH 24-26. We detected a number of H\alpha emission-line objects within the field of view, of which the weak-line T Tauri star, SSV 61, was the brightest source at a steady luminosity of Lx = 1031.5 ergs/s. Two Class I protostars aligned with optical jets in HH 24, SSV 63E and SSV 63W, were detected in X rays, as was the deeply embedded extreme Class I/Class 0 object SSV 63NE (Lx ~1029.3 erg/s). We observed no X rays from the Class 0 protostars HH 24-MMS and HH 25-MMS, nor any from regions of the cloud bounded by HH 25 and HH 26. HH 26-IR, the Class I object thought to be the origin of the HH 26 flow, was not detected. Near-infrared spectroscopy from the Mauna Kea Observatory reveals 3 micron ice bands in the spectra of SSV 59, 63E, 63W, and HH 26-IR, and 2.3 micron CO overtone absorption bands for SSV 61. SSV 60, which lies astride one end of the great arc of nebulosity forming HH 25, exhibits a deep infrared ice band and CO absorption, but is not an X-ray source, and is therefore likely to be a background giant of late spectral type.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
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