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C.T. Rodgers (University of Wyoming), J.A. Smith (Los Alamos National Laboratory), D.L. Tucker, C. Stoughton, S.S. Allam (Fermilab), C.J. Rider (Johns Hopkins University)
We present photometric data for the open cluster NGC 2588 in the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) u'g'r'i'z' filter system, the first such data for this cluster. In addition, we present a comparison of reductions from two different sets of software, MTPIPE (Tucker et al. in prep) (used by the SDSS for the photometric telescope reductions) and DAOPHOT (Stetson et al. 1987). These results could have a major impact for calibrating studies during an SDSS extension.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: crodgers@uwyo.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.