AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 14 Open Clusters

Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

14.01 WIYN Open Cluster Study: UBVRI Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 7082
C. E. Smith, C. P. Deliyannis (Indiana University), I. Platais (Johns Hopkins University)
14.02 Lithium in the Pleiades Revisited
J. R. King (Clemson University), L. M. Hobbs (University of Chicago/Yerkes Observatory), S. C. Schuler (Clemson University), M. H. Pinsonneault (Ohio State University)
14.03 Oxygen in Open Cluster Dwarfs: Pleiades and M34
S.C. Schuler, J.R. King (Clemson Univ.), L.M. Hobbs (Yerkes Obs.), M.H. Pinsonneault (Ohio State Univ.)
14.04 WIYN Open Cluster Study: Lithium in the Pleiades, A New Look
S. J. Margheim, C. P. Deliyannis (Indiana Univ.), D. Barrado y Navascues (Laboratorio de Astrofísica Espacial y Física Fundamental), J. R. Stauffer (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
14.05 WIYN Open Cluster Study: Radial-Velocity Measurements of the Intermediate Age Open Cluster NGC6819
K.T. Hole, R.D. Mathieu, S. Meibom (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
14.06 WIYN Open Cluster Study: Observations of Tidal Circularization in the Open Clusters NGC2168 (M35), NGC6819, and NGC188.
S. Meibom, R. D. Mathieu, K. T. Hole (U. Wisconsin, Madison)
14.07 WIYN Open Cluster Study: Precision UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 2539
K. W. Vogel (Indiana U. and U. Nebraska, Kearney), E. K. Braden (Indiana U. and Whitman), C. P. Deliyannis, A. Steinhauer, H. Jacobson (Indiana U.)
14.08 WIYN Open Cluster Study: UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Hyades-aged Open Cluster NGC 6633
I. U. Roederer, C. P. Deliyannis (Indiana University), I. Platais (Johns Hopkins University)
14.09 Study of NGC 1647 in the u'g'r'i'z' Filter System
K. A. Cantrell (U. Wyoming), J. A. Smith (LANL), D. L. Tucker, C. Stoughton (Fermilab), S. S. Allam (NMSU), C. Rider (JHU)
14.10 The Growth of Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Star Clusters
C.J. Johnson, B.W. Murphy (Butler University), H.N. Cohn, P.M. Lugger (Indiana University)
14.11 WIYN Open Cluster Study: how NGC 6882 got rejuvenated
I. Platais (JHU), V. Kozhurina-Platais (STScI), S.A. Barnes (Florida IT/Yale U.), I.N. Reid (STScI), M. Belfort (U. Pittsburgh), J. Sperauskas (Vilnius U., Lithuania), U. Dzervitis (IoA, Latvia), N.M. Bronnikova (Pulkovo, Russia)
14.12 Wolfe-Rayet Stars in the Galactic Cluster Cl 1806-20
J. L. LaVine, S. Eikenberry (University of Florida), J.D. Davis (Steward Observatory)
14.13 Standard Stars in the Galactic Cluster M67
E. J. Jeffery (University of Texas at Austin), M. D. Joner, B. J. Taylor (Brigham Young University)
14.14 Photometric Study of Old Open Clusters Berkeley 12, Berkeley 17, Berkeley 31, and NGC 188
Z. C. Krusberg, B. Chaboyer (Dartmouth College)
14.15 WIYN Open Cluster Study: Precision UBVRI CCD Photometry of Open Cluster NGC 2423
E. K. Braden (Indiana U. & Whitman College), K. W. Vogel (Indiana U. & U. Nebraska, Kearney), C. P. Deliyannis, A. Steinhauer, H. Jacobson (Indiana U.)
14.16 Star Cluster Simulations that Include Newtonian and Modified Newtonian Gravitational Interactions
F.J. Olive, W.M. Baker, J. Brady (Furman University)
14.17 UBVRIJHK Color-magnitude Diagram of Old Open Cluster NGC 6791
A. R. Hansen, G. Worthey (Washington State)
14.18 H-alpha Photometry: The Hyades Main Sequence
M. D. Joner (Brigham Young University)
14.19 The Open Cluster NGC 2588 in the u'g'r'i'z' Filter System
C.T. Rodgers (University of Wyoming), J.A. Smith (Los Alamos National Laboratory), D.L. Tucker, C. Stoughton, S.S. Allam (Fermilab), C.J. Rider (Johns Hopkins University)
14.20 WIYN Open Cluster Study: UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Intermediate-Aged Open Cluster NGC 6819
A. R. Sarrazine, C. P. Deliyannis (Indiana University), A. Sarajedini (University of Florida), I. Platais (Johns Hopkins University)
14.21 Photometry of the Open Cluster M18 (NGC 6613)
J. Connelly (Dickinson College), C.D. Garmany (Columbia U. Biosphere 2), J.W. Glaspey (NOAO)
14.22 WIYN Open Cluster Study: UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Hyades-aged Open Cluster NGC 6811
E. M. Mills, C. P. Deliyannis (Indiana University), I. Platais (Johns Hopkins University)
14.23 Near Infrared Observations of Populous Clusters in the LMC
A. J. Grocholski, A. Sarajedini, E. A. Lada (U. of Florida), D. Zaritsky (Steward Observatory), R. G. Probst (NOAO/Tucson), K. A. G. Olsen (NOAO/CTIO), G. P. Tiede (Bowling Green State U.)
14.24 The Massive Young Star Clusters of Extragalactic HII Regions
J.M. Darnel, H.A. Kobulnicky (University of Wyoming)

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