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S. Savaglio (JHU), K. Glazebrook, R. G. Abraham, D. Crampton, H.-W. Chen, P. J. P. McCarthy, I. Jorgensen, K. C. Roth, I. M. Hook, R. O. Marzke, R. G. Murowinski, R. G. Carlberg (GDDS Team)
The Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) is an infrared-selected ultra-deep spectroscopic program aiming to investigate galaxies in the redshift interval 1 < z < 2. In this interval (known as the ``redshift desert" for lack of discoveries) the Universe is experiencing its peak of star formation activity. As z>1 galaxies are at the most 5 Gyr old, it is easier to understand their underlying stellar populations. Using the multi-object spectrograph at the Gemini North telescope, combined with the nod and shuffle technique, we have detected a number of interesting galaxies showing very different spectral features, from blue star-forming, to red quiescent, to ``k+a" post starburst. To identify the nature of these objects, we use the newly proposed spectral synthesis models able to deal with young/metal poor stellar systems.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.