AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 26 Galaxy Evolution
Oral, Monday, January 5, 2004,
10:00-11:30am, Regency VII
- 26.01 MUSYC: A Deep Square-degree UBVRIzJHK Survey of the Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Their Central Black Holes
- E. Gawiser (Yale University/Universidad de Chile), MUSYC Collaboration
- 26.02D Merger/Interaction Origin of E+A Galaxies
- T. Goto (Johns Hopkins University), SDSS Collaboration
- 26.03 Simulations of the Effect of Peculiar Velocities on the Measurement of the HI Mass Function
- K.L. Masters, M.P. Haynes, R. Giovanelli (Cornell University)
- 26.04 Analogs of Weak MgII Absorbers in the Present Day Universe
- J. C. Charlton, A. Narayanan, J. Ding (Penn State)
- 26.05D Observational Constraints on Faint Galaxy Formation in the Local Group Using SDSS
- B. Willman (University of Washington, NYU), J. J. Dalcanton (University of Washington)
- 26.06 The FLAMINGOS Extragalactic Survey
- A. H. Gonzalez, R. J. Elston (Florida), P. R. M. Eisenhardt (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Y. Lin (Illinois), E. H. McKenzie (Florida), J. J. Mohr (Illinois), S. A. Stanford (UC Davis, IGPP/LLNL), D. Stern (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- 26.07 The Gemini Deep Deep Survey and Integrated Spectra of Galaxies in the Redshift Desert
- S. Savaglio (JHU), K. Glazebrook, R. G. Abraham, D. Crampton, H.-W. Chen, P. J. P. McCarthy, I. Jorgensen, K. C. Roth, I. M. Hook, R. O. Marzke, R. G. Murowinski, R. G. Carlberg (GDDS Team)
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