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N.E. Kassim, W.M. Lane, A.S. Cohen, T.J.W. Lazio (NRL), R.A. Perley, W.D. Cotton, J.J. Condon (NRAO), W.C. Erickson (UMD)
We present information on the ongoing VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey(VLSS, formerly known as 4MASS). The VLSS will map an area of 9.1 sr covering the entire sky above a declination of -30 degrees, at a frequency of 74 MHz or 4 meter wavelength, with an unprecedented combination of sensitivity and resolution at this low frequency. The observational challenges at this wavelength include radio frequency interference (RFI), ionospheric phase distortions, and a large field of view filled with sources. These challenges have been surmounted by a variety of new algorithms. The principle data products from the survey will be a set of publicly available images and a catalog of approximately 9 X 104 sources. From the catalog, statistically useful samples of extra-galactic and Galactic objects, such as high redshift radio galaxies, galaxy clusters and supernova remnants, can be assembled for further study. The observations will be roughly 50% complete by January 2004. Data products and more information are available on our website (URL:http://lofar.nrl.navy.mil/VLSS/).
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#5
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.