AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 57 Source Surveys

Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Hanover Hall

57.01 Exploration of Highly Variable and Transient Sources in DPOSS
B. Granett, A. Mahabal, S.G. Djorgovski (CalTech), DPOSS Team
57.02 Mining the Sky with Condor
M. Dillman, R.J. Brunner, T. Kosart, M. Livny, Z. Miller (AAS)
57.03 Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS)
P.R. Wozniak, W.T. Vestrand, K.E. McGowan (LANL), K. Kinemuchi (MSU), ROTSE Collaboration
57.04 Bright u'g'r'i'z' Standard Stars in the E-Regions
J.L. Stute (UWYO), J.A. Smith (LANL), D.L. Tucker (Fermilab), S.S. Allam (NMSU), C.T. Rodgers (UWYO)
57.05 The COBE DIRBE Point Source Catalog
B. J. Smith (East Tennessee State University), S. D. Price (Air Force Research Laboratory), R. I. Baker (East Tennessee State University)
57.06 An Optical Identification Campaign for Ultrasoft X-ray Emitting Objects
R. Thompson, M. Foret, T. Renner, B. Schneider (McMurry University)
57.07 Classification of Spectra from the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Photo-Spectrometer and the Camera Circular Variable Filters
K. E. Kraemer (AFRL/VSBYB), S. D. Price (AFRL/VSBY), T. M. Hodge (Boston College, Salem State College), C. W. Engelke (Boston College)
57.08 The Midcourse Space Experiment Point Source Catalog Version 2.3
M.P. Egan, S.D. Price, K.E. Kraemer (AFRL)
57.09 The VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey (VLSS)
N.E. Kassim, W.M. Lane, A.S. Cohen, T.J.W. Lazio (NRL), R.A. Perley, W.D. Cotton, J.J. Condon (NRAO), W.C. Erickson (UMD)
57.10 New Reference Catalog of Extragalactic HI Observations
K. L. O'Neil (NRAO)

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