AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 56 Seyfert, FRI and FRII Galaxies
Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 56.01 Mapping the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Regions in NGC 4151 and NGC 1068
- V. Das, D.M. Crenshaw (GSU)
- 56.02 Probing the Circumnuclear Geometry of Three Seyfert Galaxies
- R. P. Deo, D. M. Crenshaw (GSU)
- 56.03 Nuclear Dust in the Seyfert II Galaxy, NGC1068.
- R. Mason (NOAO), G. Wright (UK Astronomy Technology Centre), A. Adamson (Joint Astronomy Centre), Y. Pendleton (NASA-Ames)
- 56.04 Black Hole Masses, Accretion Rates, and Narrow Line Seyfert 1s
- C. Warner, F. Hamann (University of Florida), M. Dietrich (Georgia State University)
- 56.05 The EUV Continuum Shape and Strength of NLS1 Galaxies
- M. Dietrich, D.M. Crenshaw (Georgia State University), S.B. Kraemer (Catholic University of America)
- 56.06 Optical and IR Variability Study of ESO141-G55 and IRAS09149-6206
- T. Tomovic, M. Dietrich, D.M. Crenshaw (Georgia State University)
- 56.07 Intrinsic Absorption in the Dwarf Seyfert NGC 4395
- D.M. Crenshaw (GSU), S.B. Kraemer (CUA), J.R. Gabel (CU-CASA)
- 56.08 Combined HST/STIS, FUSE, and Chandra Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4151
- S.B. Kraemer (CUA), D.M. Crenshaw (GSU), J.R. Gabel (U. of Colorado), I.M. George (UMBC)
- 56.09 Intrinsic Absorption in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy, NGC4593
- M.E. Kaiser (JHU), C.S. Reynolds, L.W. Brenneman (UMD), J. Wilms (IAAT), A. Uomoto (OCIW)
- 56.10 Searching for supermassive black holes in FR-I galaxies using emission line gas
- J. Noel-Storr (Columbia), S. A. Baum, C. P. O'Dea, R. P. van der Marel (STScI), G. A. Verdoes Kleijn (ESO Garching), J. H. van Gorkom (Columbia), P. T. de Zeeuw (Leiden)
- 56.11 FR II BALQSOs in the SDSS
- J. J. Schaefer, M. S. Brotherton (University of Wyoming)
- 56.12 Seyfert - Starburst Connection in Radio Continuum
- S. Laine (SSC, Caltech), J. K. Kotilainen, J. Reunanen (Tuorla O.), S. D. Ryder (AAO), R. P. Norris (CSIRO), R. Beck (MPIfR)
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