AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 24 Observatories and Observing Conditions: Optical to X-rays
Oral, Monday, January 5, 2004,
10:00-11:30am, Centennial III
- 24.01 Characterizing Optical Turbulence in the Surface Layer
- P. Zimmer, J. T. McGraw (Univ. of New Mexico), M. R. Ackermann (Sandia National Laboratory)
- 24.02D Longitudinal Dispersion Compensation for a Long Baseline Optical Interferometer
- D.H. Berger, W.G. Bagnuolo, T.A. ten Brummelaar, H.A. McAlister (CHARA / Georgia State University)
- 24.03 The Magdalena Ridge Optical Interferometer and its Science Drivers
- M. J. Creech-Eakman (New Mexico Tech), D. Buscher (Univ of Cambridge), M. Chang (Univ of Puerto Rico), C. Haniff (Univ of Cambridge), P. Howell (New Mexico Tech), A. Jorgensen, B. Laubscher (Los Alamos National Labs), G. Loos, V. Romero, M. Sirota, S. Teare (New Mexico Tech), D. Voelz (New Mexico State Univ), D. Westpfahl (New Mexico Tech)
- 24.04 Toward a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope: A Progress Report from AURA's New Initiatives Office
- S.E. Strom (NOAO)
- 24.05D O VI Imaging Instrumentation and Spectroscopic Observations in Supernova Remnants
- M. N. Beasley (University of Colorado at Boulder)
- 24.06 The Scientific Potential of Astro-E2 Observations
- H. Kunieda, H. Inoue (ISAS), R. Kelley, K. Mukai, N. White (NASA/GSFC), Astro-E2 Team
- 24.07 Using the Crab Nebula to Correct for an Energy Dependent Instrumental Effect in Unconventional Stellar Aspect (USA) Data
- K. O. Quinones (University of California, Berkeley), Stanford Linear Accelerator, Group K Particle Astrophysics Collaboration, Naval Research Laboratory Collaboration
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