AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 23 Quasars, Blazars and Jets
Oral, Monday, January 5, 2004,
10:00-11:30am, Centennial I/II
- 23.01D Quasar Detection via Variability
- A. W. Rengstorf (UIUC), QUEST Collaboration
- 23.02D The faint end of the QSO luminosity function at z=3
- M.P. Hunt, C.C. Steidel (California Institute of Technology), K.L. Adelberger (Carnegie Observatories), A.E. Shapley (University of California, Berkeley)
- 23.03 Optical Variability of Two High-Luminosity Radio-Quiet Quasars, PDS 456 and PHL 1811
- C. M. Gaskell, A. J. Benker, J. S. Campbell, K. A. Crowley, T. A. George, C. H. Hedrick, M. E. Hiller, E. S. Klimek, J. P. Leonard, B. W. Peterson, K. M. Sanders (U. Nebraska)
- 23.04 A Sudden Polarization Event in the Core of 1803+784
- G. R. Denn (Sweet Briar College), R. L. Mutel (University of Iowa)
- 23.05 The MOJAVE Program: Investigating the Parsec-Scale Evolution of Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
- M. Lister (Purdue University)
- 23.06 Giant Radio Galaxies and Cosmic Ray Acceleration
- P.P. Kronberg, S.A. Colgate, H. Li, Q.W. Dufton (LANL)
- 23.07 Photon Orbital Angular Momentum in Astrophysics
- M. Harwit (Washington, DC and CRSR, Cornell University)
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