AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 23 Quasars, Blazars and Jets

Oral, Monday, January 5, 2004, 10:00-11:30am, Centennial I/II

23.01D Quasar Detection via Variability
A. W. Rengstorf (UIUC), QUEST Collaboration
23.02D The faint end of the QSO luminosity function at z=3
M.P. Hunt, C.C. Steidel (California Institute of Technology), K.L. Adelberger (Carnegie Observatories), A.E. Shapley (University of California, Berkeley)
23.03 Optical Variability of Two High-Luminosity Radio-Quiet Quasars, PDS 456 and PHL 1811
C. M. Gaskell, A. J. Benker, J. S. Campbell, K. A. Crowley, T. A. George, C. H. Hedrick, M. E. Hiller, E. S. Klimek, J. P. Leonard, B. W. Peterson, K. M. Sanders (U. Nebraska)
23.04 A Sudden Polarization Event in the Core of 1803+784
G. R. Denn (Sweet Briar College), R. L. Mutel (University of Iowa)
23.05 The MOJAVE Program: Investigating the Parsec-Scale Evolution of Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
M. Lister (Purdue University)
23.06 Giant Radio Galaxies and Cosmic Ray Acceleration
P.P. Kronberg, S.A. Colgate, H. Li, Q.W. Dufton (LANL)
23.07 Photon Orbital Angular Momentum in Astrophysics
M. Harwit (Washington, DC and CRSR, Cornell University)

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