AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 45 Supernovae

Poster, Tuesday, January 6, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

45.01 Absolute Light Curves of Stripped Envelope Supernovae
D. L. Richardson, D. Branch, E. Baron (Univ. of Oklahoma)
45.02 Dust Formation in the Ejecta of Supernovae
S. H. R. Bank (Towson University), G. C. Clayton (Louisiana State University)
45.03 Light Curves of the Unusual Type Ia Supernova 2000cx
J.C. Lair, M.D. Leising (Clemson University), P.A. Milne (Steward Observatory), G.G. Williams (MMTO)
45.04 The Unusual Supernova 2002bo
A. A. Zapata (Universidad de Concepcion), P. Candia (CTIO), K. Krisciunas (OCIW/CTIO), M. M. Phillips (LCO), N. B. Suntzeff (CTIO)
45.05 Optical Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Supernovae Used in Determination of Cosmological Parameters
E. Smith (Vanderbilt), G. Aldering (LBNL), R. Amanullah (Stockholm), P. Antilogus, P. Astier (LPNHE Paris), G. Blanc (Padova), M.S. Burns (Colorado Col.), A. Conley, S.E. Deustua (LBNL), M. Doi (Tokyo), R. Ellis (CalTech), S. Fabbro (Lisbon), V. Fadeyev (LBNL), G. Folatelli (Stockholm), A.S. Fruchter (STScI), G. Garavini (Stockholm), R. Gibbons, G. Goldhaber (LBNL), A. Goobar (Stockholm), D. Groom (LBNL), D. Hardin (LPNHE Paris), I. Hook (Oxford), D.A. Howell (Toronto), M. Irwin (IOA Cambridge), D. Kasen, A.G. Kim (LBNL), R.A. Knop (Vanderbilt), B.C. Lee (LBNL), C. Lidman (ESO), R. McMahon (IOA Cambridge), J. Mendez (ING), S. Nobili (Stockholm), P.E. Nugent (LBNL), R. Pain (LPNHE Paris), N. Panagia (STScI), C.R. Pennypacker, S. Perlmutter, V. Prasad (LBNL), R. Quimby (Texas), J. Raux (LPNHE Paris), N. Regnault (LBNL), P. Ruiz-Lapuente (Barcelona), G. Sainton (LPNHE Paris), B. Schaefer (Texas), K. Schahmaneche (LPNHE Paris), A.L. Spadafora (LBNL), V. Stanishev (Stockholm), M. Sullivan (Toronto), N. Walton (IOA Cambridge), L. Wang, W.M. Wood-Vasey, N. Yasuda (LBNL), Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration
45.06 High Redshift Supernova Rates in the GOODS Fields
T. Dahlen, L. -G. Strolger, A. G. Riess, B. Mobasher (STScI), R. Chary, C. J. Conselice (CalTech), H. C. Ferguson, A. S. Fruchter, M. Giavalisco, M. Livio (STScI), P. Madau (UCSC), N. Panagia (STScI), J. L. Tonry (U. Hawaii), GOODS Team
45.07 The Hubble Higher-z Supernova Search Project and the Promptness of SNe~Ia
L.-G. Strolger, A. Riess, T. Dahlen (Space Telescope Science Institute), Hubble Higher-z Supernova Search Team, GOODS Team
45.08 Helium Accretion and Detonation on White Dwarfs
M. Lazarova (Sweet Briar College)
45.09 Deflagrating white dwarfs: a Type Ia supernova model
A.C. Calder, T. Plewa, N. Vladimirova, E.F. Brown, D.Q. Lamb, K. Robinson, J.W. Truran (ASCI Flash Center, University of Chicago)
45.10 Semi-Steady Burning Evolutionary Sequences for CAL 83 and CAL 87: Super Soft X-ray Binaries are Supernova Ia Progenitors
S. Starrfield (ASU), F. X. Timmes (Chicago), W. R. Hix (ORNL), E. M. Sion (Villanova), W. M. Sparks (LANL), S. Dwyer (ASU)
45.11 Analysis of Fluid Instabilities in Core Collapse Supernova Progenitors by a Semi-analytical Methodology and by Two Dimensional Radiation-Hydrodynamical Simulations
E. A. Raley, S. W. Bruenn (Florida Atlantic University)
45.12 Direct Numerical Simulations of Flame Instabilities in Type Ia Supernovae
M. Zingale (Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UCSC), J. B. Bell, M. S. Day, C. A. Rendleman (Center for Computational Science and Engineering, LBL), S. E. Woosley (Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UCSC)
45.13 The Magneto-Rotational Instability in Standing Accretion Shocks
A. ud-Doula, J. Blondin (NCSU)
45.14 Consequences of nuclear electron capture in core collapse supernovae
W.R. Hix (U. TN/ORNL), O.E.B. Messer (U. Chicago/ORNL), A. Mezzacappa (ORNL), Terascale Supernova Initiative Collaboration
45.15 Modelling the Spectra of SN 1998bw from a Jet Powered Explosion Model
E. J. Lentz (U. Georgia), E. Baron (U. Oklahoma), P. H. Hauschildt (Hamburg Obs.)

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