AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 5 T Tauri Stars
Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 5.01 Further detections of rovibrational H2 emission from the disks of T Tauri stars
- S. J. Shukla, J. S. Bary, D. A. Weintraub (Vanderbilt University), J. H. Kastner (Rochester Institute of Technology)
- 5.02 Spectroscopic Properties of Weakline T Tauri Stars targeted by the SIRTF C2D Legacy Program
- J.R. Keller, D.W. Koerner (Northern Arizona University), C2D SIRTF Legacy Team
- 5.03 Forbidden Line Emissions in the T-Tauri Spectroscopic Binaries DQ Tau and UZ Tau-E Monitored over an Orbital Period
- M. Huerta, P. Hartigan (Rice University), R.J. White (Cal Tech)
- 5.04 The Enigmatic Radio Source T Tau S
- K. J. Johnston, A. L. Fey, R. A. Gaume, C. A. Hummel (U.S. Naval Observatory), S. Garrington, T. Muxlow, P. Thomasson (University of Manchester Jodrell Bank Observatory)
- 5.05 XMM Observations of the Star Forming Region NGC 2264
- E. David (Xavier U.), T. Simon, S. E. Dahm (U. of Hawaii), B. M. Patten (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 5.06 X-Ray and Infrared Observations of Embedded Protostars in NGC 2264
- T. Simon, S. E. Dahm (U. of Hawaii)
- 5.07 A Survey of Classical and Weak-line T Tauri Stars in the Young Cluster NGC 2264
- S. E. Dahm, T. Simon (U. of Hawaii), E. David (Xavier U.)
- 5.08 Dynamical Mass of the T Tau Sa-Sb Binary
- G. H. Schaefer (SUNY Stony Brook), T. L. Beck (Gemini Observatory), L. Prato (UCLA), M. Simon (SUNY Stony Brook)
- 5.09 Identifying T Tauri Stars Using Bandpass Photometry
- T. Dupuy (Univ. of Texas), B. Reipurth (IfA, Univ. of Hawaii), J. Bally (CASA, Univ. of Colorado)
- 5.10 Identification of Low Mass T Tauri Candidates at High Galactic Latitudes
- P.M. McGehee (Los Alamos National Laboratory/New Mexico State University), S.L. Hawley (University of Washington), Z. Ivezic (Princeton University)
- 5.11 Photospheric Spot Temperature Models of Young Stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster
- M.J. Miller (Swarthmore College), K.G. Stassun (Vanderbilt University), E.L.N. Jensen (Swarthmore College)
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