AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 26 Followup to Workshop for New Faculty in Physics and Astronomy
Special Session, Monday, May 31, 2004, 2:00-3:30pm, 710/712

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[26.04] Getting Students to Prepare for Class

Z.T. Webster (CSU San Bernardino)

Why, oh why won't the students crack their textbook until the night before the test? How can you get your class of over 100 students to engage in the material without having to grade over 100 homework assignments? If you are tired of having students look at you with blank faces in class because they didn't do the assigned reading, this talk is for you. You CAN make students read the textbook before coming to class with Just In Time Teaching (JiTT). Although Just In Time is a phrase borrowed from best industry practices, it may soon be taken over by educators as one of the best practices. Learn how quickly you can have students in your classroom ready to ask good questions and eager to know what you have to say in class. I am a recent covert to JiTT after attending the New Faculty in Physics and Astronomy Workshop sponsored in part by the AAS. I have taught a large lecture format Astrobiology course and Calculus based Physics using the JiTT method.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #2
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