AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 41 Spitzer Space Telescope
Topical Related Poster, Tuesday, June 1, 2004, 10:00am-7:00pm, Ballroom

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[41.29] Objects with Extremely Large mid-IR-to-Optical Flux Ratios Found in GOODS CDF-S Region

H. Yan (Spitzer Science Center, Caltech), GOODS Team

The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), one of the Legacy Programs of Spitzer Space Telescope, has acquired its first epoch of data with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) in its southern field, CDF-South. With a typical exposure time of 25 hours per pixel, these data have imaged the mid-infrared sky to an unprecedented depth. Here we discuss the objects that have extremely large IRAC-to-optical flux ratios (or "optical drop-outs"), whichwere found by using both the Spitzer IRAC data and the HST ACS data of GOODS. About 1/3 of the GOODS CDF-S area has been observed in all the four IRAC channels, and we put the emphasis of our analysis on this region, which also covers the HST Ultra Deep Field (UDF). The SED and the morphology analysis reveal a diverse nature of such optical drop-outs, which range from normal ellipticals to extremely disturbed systems to galaxies at very high redshifts.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #2
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