AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 128 The Buildup of Galaxy Disks - Star Formation History
Oral, Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 2:00-3:30pm, California

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[128.05] Bolocam 1.1-millimeter Galaxy Survey of the Lockman Hole

G.T. Laurent (U. Colorado), P.A.R. Ade (U. Wales), J.E. Aguirre (U. Colorado), J.J. Bock (JPL), S.F. Edgington (Caltech), J. Glenn (U. Colorado), A. Goldin (JPL), S.R. Golwala (Caltech), D. Haig (U. Wales), A.E. Lange (Caltech), P.R. Maloney (U. Colorado), P.D. Mauskopf (U. Wales), H. Nguyen (JPL), P. Rossinot, J. Sayers (Caltech), P. Stover (U. Colorado)

Submillimeter galaxies are extremely luminous (> 1012 Lsolar), high redshift (z > 1) galaxies detected by their thermal dust emission. If powered by star formation, extreme star formation rates are 102-103 Msolar per year are implied. Characterizing submillimeter galaxies is crucial to understanding galaxy formation and evolution. Cumulatively, surveys to date have detected hundreds of these galaxies.

Bolocam is a millimeter-wavelength bolometer-array camera designed for mapping large fields. This survey uses Bolocam to detect submillimeter galaxies at the bright end of the luminosity function. Due to the strong negative K-correction at 1.1 mm, Bolocam's detection sensitivity is approximately uniform for galaxies of a given intrinsic luminosity for redshifts 1 < z < 10.

We present results from our 1.1 mm galaxy survey made with the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory during January and May 2003. In total, 17 source candidates were detected at a significance of > 3.0\sigma. Nine candidates are new detections, while 8 candidates have coincident SCUBA 850 \mum and/or MAMBO 1.2 mm detections. Monte-Carlo simulations with real and simulated data were implemented to confirm the robustness of our source candidates, quantify our false detection rate, determine our detection threshold and completeness of this survey, and estimate the impact of source confusion. From our observed number counts, we estimate the underlying differential number count distribution and find it to be in general agreement with previous surveys. We combine our source catalog with those from previous submillimeter and radio surveys and estimate redshifts for these sources.

This research is funded in part by grants from NASA (NGT5-50384), NSF (AST-9980846, AST-0206158, AST-0098737), and PPARC (PPA/Y/S/2000/00101, PPA/G/O/2002/00015)

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