AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 57. Atomic Abundances in Interstellar Gas

Poster, Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

57.01 D/H toward KPD 0005+5106
K. D. Murphy, G. M. Williger, J. W. Kruk (JHU)
57.02 D/H and D/O in the Galactic disk towards the CSPN LSS 1362
J.W. Kruk, C. Oliveira (JHU), G. Hebrard (IAP), K. Werner, E. Reiff (Tuebingen)
57.03 Deuterium measurements toward WD1034+001, BD+393226, and TD1 32709
C. M. Oliveira, P. Chayer, J. Kruk, H. W. Moos (JHU)
57.04 Can Dust Explain Observed Variations in Interstellar D/H?
B. T. Draine (Institute for Advanced Study)
57.05 Do Small, Neutral PAHs Survive in the ISM?
U. P. Vijh, A. N. Witt (U. Toledo), K. D. Gordon (U. Arizona)
57.06 The Abundance of Interstellar Fluorine
J. T. Lauroesch (Northwestern U.), D. G. York, J. W. Truran (U. of Chicago), F. X. Timmes (LANL)
57.07 Krypton: Probing Abundance Variations on Kiloparsec Scales
S. I. B. Cartledge (LSU), J. T. Lauroesch, D. M. Meyer (NU), G. C. Clayton (LSU)

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