AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 23. Stars and Observing Them
Oral, Monday, 2:00-3:30pm, May 30, 2005, 102 B
- 23.01 Keys To Protecting Your Observing Site
- D.A. Hanslep, D.L. Crawford (International Dark-Sky Association)
- 23.02 The W Ursae Majoris Binary V781 Tauri: A Close Binary in Shallow Contact
- E.F. Milone (U Calgary), J Kallrath (U Florida, BASF), R.A. Breinhorst (U Bonn), A. Schnell (U Wien), A. Purgathofer (U. Wien, (now deceased))
- 23.03 The Rothney Astrophysical Observatory's Wide Field Variable Star Search Program
- M. D. Williams, E. F. Milone (RAO, U Calgary)
- 23.04 Evolutionary Synthesis Models with Stellar Rotation for Young Populations
- G. A. Vazquez, C. Leitherer (STScI), Geneva Group Collaboration
- 23.05 Eclipses and orbital variations in binary pulsar PSR J0737-3039
- M. Lyutikov (UBC)
- 23.06 The Effect of Stellar Meridional Motions on Extrasolar Planet Detection
- J.M. Beckers (University of Chicago)
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