AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 28. Formation and Fate of Stardust
Topical Session, Tuesday, 8:30-10:00am, 10:45am-12:30pm, 2:30-4:00pm, 4:15-6:00pm, May 31, 2005, 102 C
Associated Posters in Session 6.
- 28.01 Understanding the Fate of Dust Formed during the AGB phase -- The Role of Spitzer
- W. B. Latter (NASA Herschel Science Center/Caltech)
- 28.02 Mineralogy of Dust in the Outflows of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
- A. K. Speck (University of Missouri - Columbia)
- 28.03 Are There Debris Disks and Kuiper Belt Systems Around First Ascent Red Giants?
- M. Jura (UCLA)
- 28.04 Near-death Transformation: Mass Ejection in Planetary Nebulae and Protoplanetary Nebulae
- J.H. Kastner (Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology)
- 28.05 Dusty Circumstellar Nebulae of Luminous Evolved Stars: Eta Carinae, RY Scuti, and the LBVs
- N. Smith (University of Colorado)
- 28.06 The Distribution of Circumstellar Dust in Luminous, Heavily Enshrouded Stars.
- T.J. Jones (Univ. of Minnesota)
- 28.07 The Ejecta of Classical Nova Explosions: Dusty and Gas Phase Chemical Contributions to the ISM
- R. D. Gehrz (Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota)
- 28.08 X-ray Observations of Novae and Interstellar Matter
- J. Krautter (Landessternwarte Heidelberg)
- 28.09 The Observations of Dust in Supernova Explosions
- W.P.S. Meikle (Imperial College London)
- 28.10 BAG stars and Sakurai's Object
- A. Evans (Keele University)
- 28.11 V838 Mon: Observations of the Light Echo in Circumstellar Dust
- S. Starrfield (ASU)
- 28.12 On the Applications of the Kramers-Kronig Relation to Cosmic Dust
- A. Li (University of Missouri-Columbia)
- 28.13 Stardust in the ISM
- J. S. Mathis (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
- 28.14 Debris Disks
- S. J. Kenyon (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
- 28.15 Presolar Dust Grains from Primitive Meteorites: New Results from the Study of Submicron Grains
- E. Zinner (Washington University)
- 28.16 Stardust in Comets
- M. S. Hanner (UMass)
- 28.17 Spitzer observations of comets and zodiacal light
- W. T. Reach (SSC/Caltech)
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