AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 35. Stars
Poster, Wednesday, 10:00am-7:00pm, Thursday, 9:20am-2:00pm, June 1, 2005, Ballroom A
- 35.01 Numerical Simulation of the Outer Layers of Procyon A: a Comparison with the Sun
- P. Demarque, F.J. Robinson (Yale U.), D.B. Guenther (Saint Mary's U., Canada), Y.-C. Kim (Yonsei U., Korea), K.L. Chan (Hong Kong U. Sci. and Tech., China)
- 35.02 The spectral evolution of V838 Moncerotis
- M. T. Rushton, A. Evans, B. Smalley, J. Th. van Loon (Keele University), T. R. Geballe (Gemini), S. P. S. Eyres (Central Lancashire)
- 35.03 Analysis of Direct X-Ray Images in a Chandra Observation of the Cygnus OB2 Association
- J. C. Reiter, N. A. Miller (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
- 35.04 Bromine and Vanadium in 3 Cen A
- C. R. Cowley (University of Michigan), G. M. Wahlgren (Lund University)
- 35.05 Multiwavelength Spectra of AU Mon
- B. P. Miller, J. Budaj, M. T. Richards, M.T. Richards (PennState)
- 35.06 Properties of the Shock Region in Direct Impact Algols
- M. L. Rogers, M. T. Richards (Penn State University)
- 35.07 Deneb: Five Years of H Alpha Monitoring
- N. D. Morrison, N. D. Richardson (U. Toledo), E. Allgaier (American U.)
- 35.08 Terbium in HD 101065 (Przybylski's Star)
- S. L. Seagraves, D. J. Bord (UM-Dearborn), G. M. Wahlgren (ULund)
- 35.09 Solar Systems In Formation: A NICMOS Coronagraphic Survey of Protoplanetary and Debris Disks
- G. Schneider (Steward Obs., U. Az.), HST GO 10177 Team
- 35.10 Chasing Capella's Wobble with the Chandra/HETGS
- K. Ishibashi, D. Dewey (MIT/CSR)
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