AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 40. Binary Stars

Poster, Wednesday, 10:00am-7:00pm, Thursday, 9:20am-2:00pm, June 1, 2005, Ballroom A

40.01 A New Catalog of Contact Binary Stars from ROTSE-I Sky Patrols
S. J. Gettel, T. A. McKay, M. T. Geske (U. of Michigan)
40.02 A ROTSE-I/ROSAT Survey of X-ray Emission from Contact Binary Stars
M. Geske, T. McKay (U of Michigan)
40.03 The WUMa Contact Binary, AR Bootis: Preliminary Periodicity and Light Curve Analyses
R.G. Samec, T.S. Loflin (Bob Jones University), W. Van Hamme (Florida International Univ.)
40.04 Radiatively Driven Surface Flows in Close Hot-Star Binaries
K. G. Gayley, A. J. Onifer, J. Parsons (University of Iowa), R. Townsend, S. P. Owocki (University of Delaware)
40.05 To B or not to B: The Companion of Epsilon Aurigae Unveiled
P.D. Bennett (CASA, U.Colorado), T.B. Ake (JHU/CSC), G.M. Harper (CASA/ARL, U.Colorado)
40.06 A Binary Teetering on the Edge
P. M. Motl, M. C. R. D'Souza, J. E. Tohline, J. Frank (Louisiana State University)
40.07 Orbital Variability of H-alpha Emission in the Massive Binary RY Scuti
E. Grundstrom, D. R. Gies (Georgia State Univ.), M. V. McSwain (Yale Univ.)
40.08 A Preliminary Study of the Cool Dwarf Interacting Eclipsing Binary, HH95-79
R. T. McKenzie Jr., R.G. Samec, N.C. Hawkins (Bob Jones University), D.R. Faulkner (University of South Carolina, Lancaster), W. Van Hamme (Florida International Univeristy)
40.09 Fundamental Parameters of the Eclipsing Binary V380 Cyg
N. R. Evans, P. Mendygral, J. Nichols (SAO), A. W. Fullerton (U. Victoria), D. Massa (SGT, Inc.), E. F. Guinan, E. Fitzpatrick (Villanova U.), I. Ribas (U. Barcelona)

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