AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 40. Binary Stars
Poster, Wednesday, 10:00am-7:00pm, Thursday, 9:20am-2:00pm, June 1, 2005, Ballroom A
- 40.01 A New Catalog of Contact Binary Stars from ROTSE-I Sky Patrols
- S. J. Gettel, T. A. McKay, M. T. Geske (U. of Michigan)
- 40.02 A ROTSE-I/ROSAT Survey of X-ray Emission from Contact Binary Stars
- M. Geske, T. McKay (U of Michigan)
- 40.03 The WUMa Contact Binary, AR Bootis: Preliminary Periodicity and Light Curve Analyses
- R.G. Samec, T.S. Loflin (Bob Jones University), W. Van Hamme (Florida International Univ.)
- 40.04 Radiatively Driven Surface Flows in Close Hot-Star Binaries
- K. G. Gayley, A. J. Onifer, J. Parsons (University of Iowa), R. Townsend, S. P. Owocki (University of Delaware)
- 40.05 To B or not to B: The Companion of Epsilon Aurigae Unveiled
- P.D. Bennett (CASA, U.Colorado), T.B. Ake (JHU/CSC), G.M. Harper (CASA/ARL, U.Colorado)
- 40.06 A Binary Teetering on the Edge
- P. M. Motl, M. C. R. D'Souza, J. E. Tohline, J. Frank (Louisiana State University)
- 40.07 Orbital Variability of H-alpha Emission in the Massive Binary RY Scuti
- E. Grundstrom, D. R. Gies (Georgia State Univ.), M. V. McSwain (Yale Univ.)
- 40.08 A Preliminary Study of the Cool Dwarf Interacting Eclipsing Binary, HH95-79
- R. T. McKenzie Jr., R.G. Samec, N.C. Hawkins (Bob Jones University), D.R. Faulkner (University of South Carolina, Lancaster), W. Van Hamme (Florida International Univeristy)
- 40.09 Fundamental Parameters of the Eclipsing Binary V380 Cyg
- N. R. Evans, P. Mendygral, J. Nichols (SAO), A. W. Fullerton (U. Victoria), D. Massa (SGT, Inc.), E. F. Guinan, E. Fitzpatrick (Villanova U.), I. Ribas (U. Barcelona)
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