AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 41. Variable Stars
Poster, Wednesday, 10:00am-7:00pm, Thursday, 9:20am-2:00pm, June 1, 2005, Ballroom A
- 41.01 GALEX Ultraviolet Lightcurves of M-Dwarf Flare Stars
- J.M. Wheatley, B.Y. Welsh, S.E. Browne (UC Berkeley), R.D. Robinson (Catholic University of America), M. Seibert (Caltech), R.M. Rich (UCLA), GALEX Science Team
- 41.02 Are there any RR2 variables in \omega Centauri?
- C. Clement, M. Rahman (Univ of Toronto)
- 41.03 [Fe/H] - \phi31 - Period relation for c-type RR Lyrae Variables
- J. N. Wahl, S. M. Morgan, R. M. Wieckhorst (Univ. of Northern Iowa)
- 41.04 Cepheid Masses based upon Fourier Coefficient Resonances
- S. M. Morgan (Univ. of Northern Iowa)
- 41.05 The North Celestial Pole Monitoring Project
- R. M. Blake, M. Castelaz, J. Phillips (Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute)
- 41.06 A Technique to Search for Rapid Variations in Stellar Flux
- J.A. Wilkerson, T.S. Brown, K.A. Frank, B.K. Lacoul, A.O. Nugent (Luther College)
- 41.07 Photometric Accuracy of Deconvolved Simulated Astronomical Images
- J. W. Moody (BYU), S. R. McNeil (BYU-Idaho)
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