37th DPS Meeting, 4-9 September 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 39. Icy Satellites II

Oral, Chairs: D. Cruikshank, A. Christou, Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 2:15-4:00pm, Law LG19

39.01 Densities of the Saturnian satellites and the C/O chemistry of the solar Nebula
T. V. Johnson (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA), J. I. Lunine (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA)
39.02 Gravity Science In The Saturnian System: The Masses of Phoebe, Iapetus, Dione, and Enceladus
N. J. Rappaport (JPL), L. Iess (U. Roma, Italy), P. Tortora (U. Bologna, Italy), S. W. Asmar (JPL), L. Somenzi (U. Roma, Italy), A. Anabtawi, E. Barbinis, D. U. Fleischman, G. L. Goltz (JPL)
39.03 Modeling topography of Saturn's icy satellites: constraints on interior structure and thermal conditions
E.P. Turtle (Univ. of Arizona), T.V. Johnson (JPL), P. Thomas (Cornell Univ.), T. Denk (Freie Univ., Berlin), B. Giese (DLR), J.C. Castillo, D.L. Matson (JPL), P. Helfenstein (Cornell)
39.04 A Geophysical Study Of Iapetus: The Need For And Consequences Of Al26
J. C. Castillo, D. L. Matson (JPL/CalTech), C. Sotin (Lab. de Planetologie et Geodynamique, Nantes, France), T. V. Johnson (JPL/CalTech), J. I. Lunine (LPL), P. C. Thomas (Cornell U.)
39.05 Cassini VIMS compositional mapping of Surfaces in the Saturn System and the role of water, cyanide compounds and carbon dioxide
R. N. Clark (USGS, Denver), R. Brown (U. Ariz.), K. Baines (JPL), G. Bellucci (IFSI, Rome), J-P Bibring (U. Paris Sud-Orsay), B. Buratti (JPL), F. Capaccioni, P. Cerroni (IAS, Rome), M. Combes (Obs. de Paris, Meudon), A. Coradini (IAS, Rome), D. Cruikshank (NASA Ames), P. Drossart (Obs. de Paris, Meudon), G. Filacchione (IASF, Rome), V. Formisano (IFSI, Rome), R. Jaumann (DLR, Berlin), Y. Langevin (IAS, Orsay), D. Matson (JPL), T. McCord (PSI NW, UH), V. Mennella (IFSI, Rome), R. Nelson (JPL), P. Nicholson (Cornell U.), B. Sicardy (Obs. de Paris, Meudon), C. Sotin (U. Nantes), J. Curchin, T. Hoefen (USGS)
39.06 Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Iapetus and Phoebe: Cassini-VIMS Detections
D. P. Cruikshank, E. Wegryn, C. M. Dalle Ore (NASA Ames), K. H. Baines, B. J. Buratti, D. L. Matson, R. M. Nelson (JPL), G. Bellucci, F. Capaccioni, P. Cerroni, A. Coradini, V. Formisano, V. Mennella (Ist. Fisica Spaz. Interplanet., CNR), J.-P. Bibring, Y. Langevin (Univ. Paris Sud-Orsay), R. H. Brown (LPL U. Ariz.), R. N. Clark (USGS), M. Combes (Obs. Paris), P. Drossart, B. Sicardy (Obs. Paris-Meudon), R. Jaumann (Inst. Planet. Explor. DLR), T. B. McCord (HIGP SOEST U. Hawaii), P. D. Nicholson (Cornell U.), C. Sotin (Lab. Planet. Geo. U. Nantes)
39.07 Surface colors of Iapetus and Hyperion as derived from Cassini ISS data, and implications for the global albedo dichotomy origin
T. Denk, G. Neukum (FU Berlin), Th. Roatsch (DLR Berlin), J.A. Burns, P. Helfenstein (Cornell Univ.), C.C. Porco (Space Sci. Inst.), Cassini ISS Team
39.08 Iapetus Surface Temperatures, and the Influence of Sublimation on the Albedo Dichotomy: Cassini CIRS Constraints
J. R. Spencer (Southwest Research Institute), J. C. Pearl, M. Segura (NASA GSFC), Cassini CIRS Team
39.09 Unusual Spectral Behavior of the Saturnian Satellites at Long Thermal Wavelengths
J. C. Pearl (NASA GSFC), J. R. Spencer (SwRI), M. Segura (NASA GSFC), CIRS Team
39.10 Cassini UVIS Measurements of Hydrogen Exospheres at the Icy Saturnian Satellites
A. R. Hendrix, C. J. Hansen (JPL/CalTech)

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