AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 185 UV to IR Observations of Protostars
Poster, Thursday, 9:20am-4:00pm, January 12, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[185.02] Multiwavelength Analysis of the Star Formation process in M51

C. C. Kaleida, P. A. Scowen (Arizona State University), R. C. Kennicutt Jr. (University of Oxford), J. S. Gallagher III (University of Wisconsin - Madison), R. Ciardullo (The Pennsylvania State University), J. A. Morse (NASA-GSFC)

We present our preliminary results from analysis of the data from the ACS/WFC 10452 imaging survey of M51 to study in detail the structure, dynamics, stellar populations and ongoing star formation in this unique galaxy. We (1) Investigate the morphology and ionization structure of an unbiased sample of HII regions; (2) Study the relationship between HII region structure and ground-based integrated line ratios and fluxes; (3) Investigate systematic changes in HII region structure as a function of position within the galaxy; and (4) Examine the relationship between HII region structure and the characteristics of the ubiquitous warm ionized phase of the ISM. Using the broadband filters we have 1. Observed colors and magnitudes of individual sources within HII regions covering a range in luminosity and galactocentric radius within M51, 2. Compared the census of the stellar contents of HII regions with Halpha luminosities to probe the evolutionary phase of the HII regions, 3. Used the stellar data to study the relationship between the stellar content of both normal and supergiant HII regions and HII region morphology, ionization structure, and integral properties, and 4. Used the photometric data to give us information on luminosity functions within and surrounding HII regions. We have mapped the HII regions in the inner and outer disk and assessed the impact of the galactic interaction on the global star formation process as well as how material is being channeled in and out of these star forming regions. In addition we have used the HII region sample to gauge the local SF history as a function of position and determine the role of environment and triggers on the rate and efficiency of the process.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.