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S. E. Deustua (AAS), S. S. Allam (FNAL), R. C. Bohlin (STScI), S. M. Kent (FNAL), M.L. Lampton (UC Berkeley- SSL), N. Mostek, S. L. Mufson (U. Indiana), M.W. Richmond (RIT), J.A. Smith (LANL), D. L. Tucker (FNAL), B.E. Woodgate (NASA GFSC), SNAP Collaboration
JDEM's goal is the determination of dark energy properties. SNAP (Supernova Acceleration Probe)proposes to investigate the dark energy by going "beyond Lambda", beyond constant equation of state to the dynamical variation of dark energy, and testing the geometry (flatness) and gravity beyond Einstein. This is accomplished through comprehensive supernova distance and weak gravitational lensing surveys and a manifold wide field imaging program. This science demands high precision and accuracy, placing stringent requirements particularly on the the absolute color calibration of supernovae. The overall calibration for the SNAP focal plane will be conducted through several routes. We shall discuss the basic issues and possible strategies in order to meet these requirements over the SNAP wavelength range between 350 nm to 1700 nm.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.