AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 68 Extra-Solar Planets II: Current Searches, Properties and Analysis
Poster, Tuesday, 9:20am-6:30pm, January 10, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[68.21] High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Planetary Host HD 13189: Highly-Evolved and Metal-Poor

J.H. Kim (Boston University), M.C. Tinker, Jr., S.C. Schuler, J.R. King (Clemson University), A.P. Hatzes, E.W. Guenther (Thuringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg)

The preferred target for precise radial velocity (RV) exoplanetary surveys are aged main sequence (MS) late-F, G, and K dwarfs because 1) these stars are bright enough to obtain high S/N, high resolution spectra; 2) they have an ample number of spectral lines that can be used in the RV analyses; 3) their rotation rates and activity levels are low and thus facilitate the detection of planetary companions; and 4) finding planets orbiting stars like the Sun has a significant impact on Humanity. However, limiting exoplanet search programs to a small subset of the Galactic stellar population prohibits a full understanding of the formation, morphologies, and evolution of planetary systems. The Tautenburg Observatory Planet Search (TOPS) program is conducting a precise RV survey of evolved G and K giants in response of the paucity of known planetary hosts outside the solar-type dwarf regime and have recently announced the discovery of a giant planet orbiting the K2 II giant HD 13189; here, we present the results of our abundance analysis of HD 13189. We derive an Fe abundance of {\rm [Fe/H]} = -0.58 ±0.04, making HD 13189 one of the most metal-poor planetary hosts yet discovered. A census of metallicities of giant stars with planets reveals a metallicity distribution that is different than the well-known super-solar distribution of planet harboring MS dwarfs. Possible explanations for the difference are presented.

Support for undergraduate students J.H. Kim and M.C. Tinker, Jr. is graciously provided by the NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, award REU 0353849 to Clemson University. Support has also been provided by NSF grant AST 0239518 to J.R. King and a generous grant from the Charles Curry Foundation to Clemson University.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: sschule@ces.clemson.edu

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