AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 17 TeraScale Supernova Initiative
Poster, Monday, 9:20am-7:00pm, January 9, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[17.01] Discovering New Core Collapse Supernova Physics through 3D Simulations

A. Mezzacappa (Oak Ridge National Labs), J. M. Blondin (North Carolina State University)

We have explored the dynamics of the stalled accretion shock in core collapse supernovae using large-scale three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations on the Cray X1 at the National Center for Computational Sciences (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). We confirmed the dominance of the l=1 mode of the SASI in the linear regime, as first seen in two-dimensional simulations. However, this mode does not survive long in the non-linear phase in 3D. The growing oscillation of the supernova shock wave gives way to an m=1 spiral mode in 3D. Once the initial axisymmetry is broken, the perturbations to the stalled accretion shock begin to propagate around the proto-neutron star, creating strong rotational flow within the interior of the accretion shock. Although the net angular momentum remains zero, the angular momentum of the gas accreting onto the proto-neutron star becomes very large, leading to a gradual spin-up of the proto-neutron star. This shock-induced rotational flow may also have important consequences on the dynamical evolution of any magnetic fields present in the post-bounce stellar core.

All of our 3D simulations are dominated at late times by strong non-axisymmetric modes that cannot exist in 2D models. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of using three-dimensional simulations to study core-collapse supernovae.

This work was performed under the auspices of the TeraScale Supernova Initiative, funded by SciDAC grants from the DOE Office of Science High-Energy, Nuclear, and Advanced Scientific Computing Research Programs.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.