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A. O. Petric (Columbia University/Spitzer Science Center), M. D. Lacy, L. Storrie-Lombardi (Spitzer Science Center/ Caltech), A. Sajina, L. Armus (Spitzer Science Center), G. Canalizo (UC Riverside), S. Ridgway (John Hopkins University)
We present MIPS (24 and 70 microns) and IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 microns) data from Spitzer in addition to optical, near-infrared and radio observations of 45 quasars. These are mid-ir selected objects and are a mix of unobscured (type-1) and obscured (type-2) quasars in roughly equal proportions, making this sample particularly useful for testing details of the unified model of AGNs.
We used the infrared SEDs to estimate dust masses, and temperatures for these sources. By matching the shapes of the observed SEDs in the mid-infrared to models for torus emission we approximated the inclination angle of the torus. The UV/optical through mid-infrared SEDs were used to estimate the amount of extinction towards the AGN, which we then compared to what we obtained from the estimated inclination of the torus. The far-infrared emission, associated with star formation, is contrasted for the obscured and unobscured populations.
We look for correlations between the optical and IR luminosity to determine the heating mechanisms for the emitting material. By comparing the observed QSOs SEDs with those of ULIRGs we hope to investigate the connection between the many classes of IR bright sources.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.