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J.R. Peterson (SLAC), J.G. Jernigan (SSL/UCB), A. Rasmussen (SLAC), S. Asztalos (LLNL), A. Becker (U. Washington), D. Burke (SLAC), C.F. Claver (NOAO), K. Gilmore, S.M. Kahn (SLAC), D. Monet (USNO), P. Pinto (U. Arizona), L. Rosenberg (LLNL), L. Simms (SLAC), J.A. Tyson, D. Wittman (UC Davis)
We have developed a science end-to-end simulator of the atmosphere, optics, and detector for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The organization of the models for each component is based on a Monte Carlo realization of each photon emitted by galaxies and stars. The concept end-to-end refers to the history of the photons from the sky model, through the layers of a Kolmogorov atmosphere, into and through the optics of LSST, and finally the conversion of the photon into an electron that diffuses in the depletion layer of a silicon detector that is readout as charge detected in a single pixel. These simulations have been used to inform the design of LSST, verify scientific performance, and aid in the construction of algorithms to analyze the anticipated large data sets. The primary goal of these simulations is to understand systematics of weak lensing shear measurements. We present a billion photon simulation based on a tiled replication of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.