AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 26. LSST

Poster, Monday, January 9, 2006, 9:20am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

26.01 Science Opportunities with LSST
J.A. Tyson (UC Davis), Z. Ivezic (U. Washington), S. Kahn (SLAC), M. Strauss (Princeton), C. Stubbs (Harvard), D. Sweeney (LSST Corp), LSST Collaboration
26.02 LSST EPO: Bringing the Changing Universe to the Public
S.H. Jacoby (LSST Corp), K.D. Borne (GMU, LSST, NVO), C. Christian (STScI, NVO), O. De Marco (AMNH, LSST), A. Larson (UW), C.R. Pennypacker (UCB), S.M. Pompea (NOAO), M.J. Raddick (JHU, SDSS), W. Rosing (Las Cumbres Observatory), R.T. Sparks (NOAO), U. Thakkar (NCSA, UIUC)
26.03 Measuring Strong Gravitational Lens Time Delays with the LSST
L. Kirkby (Oxford), P. Marshall (SLAC), C. Fassnacht (UC Davis), LSST Collaboration
26.04 LSST Supernovae and Cosmic Shear As Complementary Probes of Dark Energy
A. Albrecht, H. Zhan, L. Knox (UC Davis), Y.-S. Song (U. Chicago), J.A. Tyson, D. Wittman (UC Davis)
26.05 Probing Dark Energy with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the LSST Survey
H. Zhan, L. Knox, J.A. Tyson, V. Margoniner (UC Davis)
26.06 LSST Supernova Cosmology
L. Wang (UCB), P.A. Pinto (U. Arizona), H. Zhan (UC Davis)
26.07 Cosmology with Shear-Selected Galaxy Clusters
S. Wang (Columbia, Brookhaven), J. Kehayias (Columbia), J. Khoury (MIT), Z. Haiman (Columbia), M. May (Brookhaven)
26.08 Dissecting the Milky Way with LSST
Z. Ivezic (UW), M. Juric, R. Lupton (Princeton), K. Olsen (CTIO/NOAO), D. Monet (USNO), D. Zaritsky (U. Arizona), M Shara (AMNH), A. Saha (NOAO), LSST Collaboration
26.09 Probing the Solar System with LSST
A. Harris (SSI), Z. Ivezic (UW), M. Juric, R. Lupton (Princeton), A. Connolly (U. Pittsburgh), J. Kubica, A. Moore (CMU), E. Bowell (Lowell), G. Bernstein (U. Penn), K. Cook (LLNL), C. Stubbs (Harvard)
26.10 AGN Science with the LSST
W.N. Brandt, D.E. Vanden Berk, D.P. Schneider (PSU), R.F. Green (LBTO), P.S. Osmer (OSU)
26.11 LSST Astrometric Science
A. Saha (NOAO), D. Monet (USNO)
26.12 Observational Validation of LSST Image Quality Requirements
S. Asztalos (LLNL), D. Burke (SLAC), C. F. Claver (NOAO), S. Heathcote (SOAR, NOAO), L. Rosenberg (LLNL), A. Becker (U. Washington), M. Britton, B. Ellerbroek (Cal Tech), K. Gilmore (SLAC), M.-C. Hainaut-Rouelle (Gemini), G. Jernigan (Berkeley SSL and SLAC), S. M. Kahn (SLAC), V. Krabbendam (NOAO), V. Margoniner (UC Davis), D. Monet (USNO), J. R. Peterson (SLAC), P. Pinto (U. Arizona), P. Puxley, P. Puxley (Gemini), A. Rasmussen (SLAC), J. Sebag (NOAO), L. Simms (SLAC), A. Tokovinin (NOAO), J.A. Tyson, D. Wittman (UC Davis)
26.13 Science Requirements for the Design of the LSST Camera
S.M. Kahn (SLAC), LSST Camera Team
26.14 The LSST Camera System
K. Gilmore (SLAC), LSST Camera Team
26.15 Calibrations of LSST Camera and Telescope Systems
D. Burke (SLAC), C.F. Claver (NOAO), C. Stubbs (Harvard), C. Smith (NOAO), LSST Project Team
26.16 Readout Electronics for the 3 Gpixel LSST Focal Plane
J. Oliver (Harvard), LSST Camera Team
26.17 Thermal and Vacuum Design of the LSST Camera
R. Schindler (SLAC), LSST Camera Team
26.18 The Mechanical Design of the LSST Camera
M. Nordby (SLAC), L. Hale (LLNL), LSST Camera Team
26.19 The LSST Sensor Development Program
J.G. Geary (SAO), V. Radeka (Brookhaven), LSST Camera Team
26.20 The LSST Optical System
M. Liang (NOAO), L. Seppala (LLNL), D. Sweeney (LSST Corp), LSST Project Team
26.21 LSST Wavefront and Alignment Sensing
W.J. Gressler, C.F. Claver (NOAO), W.P. Kuhn (Optical Perspectives Group), S. Olivier, D. Phillion (LLNL), J. Richards (CTIO/NOAO), J. Sebag (NOAO), H.E. Schwarz (CTIO/NOAO), LSST Collaboration
26.22 LSST Telescope Design Developments
V.L. Krabbendam (NOAO), J.H. Burge (U. Arizona), C.F. Claver (NOAO), B. Cuerden, W. Davison (U. Arizona), W.J. Gressler (NOAO), J. Kingsley, H.M. Martin (U. Arizona), D.R. Neill (NOAO), S. Olivier, D. Phillion (LLNL), J. Sebag (NOAO), D. Sweeney (LSST Corp), LSST Collaboration
26.23 LSST Atmosphere and Instrument Simulation
J.R. Peterson (SLAC), J.G. Jernigan (SSL/UCB), A. Rasmussen (SLAC), S. Asztalos (LLNL), A. Becker (U. Washington), D. Burke (SLAC), C.F. Claver (NOAO), K. Gilmore, S.M. Kahn (SLAC), D. Monet (USNO), P. Pinto (U. Arizona), L. Rosenberg (LLNL), L. Simms (SLAC), J.A. Tyson, D. Wittman (UC Davis)
26.24 A Coordinated Campaign to Characterize the Atmosphere for LSST Science
C.F. Claver (NOAO), D. Burke (SLAC), S. Heathcote (SOAR, NOAO), L.J. Rosenberg, S. Asztalos (LLNL), A. Becker (U. Washington), M. Britton, B. Ellerbroek (Caltech), K. Gilmore (SLAC), M.-C. Hainaut-Rouelle (Gemini), J.G. Jernigan (SSL, UCB), S.M. Kahn (SLAC), V. Krabbendam (NOAO), V. Margoniner (UC Davis), D. Monet (USNO), J.R. Peterson (SLAC), P. Pinto (U. Arizona), P. Puxley (Gemini), A. Rasmussen (SLAC), J. Sebag (NOAO), L. Simms (SLAC), A. Tokovinin (NOAO), J.A. Tyson, D. Wittman (UC Davis)
26.25 Studies of Atmospheric Distortion of Optical Wavefronts with the SOAR Shack-Hartmann WFS
L. Simms, D. Burke (SLAC), C.F. Claver (NOAO), S. Heathcote (SOAR, NOAO), L. Rosenberg, S. Asztalos (LLNL), A. Becker (U. Washington), M. Britton, B. Ellerbroek (Caltech), K. Gilmore (SLAC), M.-C. Hainaut-Rouelle (Gemini), G. Jernigan (SSL, UCB), S.M. Kahn (SLAC), V. Krabbendam (NOAO), V. Margoniner (UC Davis), D. Monet (USNO), J. Peterson (SLAC), P. Pinto (U. Arizona), P. Puxley (Gemini), A. Rasmussen (SLAC), J. Sebag, A. Tokovinin (NOAO), J.A. Tyson, D. Wittman (UC Davis)
26.26 LSST Operations Simulator
K.H. Cook (LLNL, NOAO), F. Delgado, M. Miller, A. Saha (NOAO), R. Allsman (LSST Corp), P. Pinto (U. Arizona), P.A. Gee (UC Davis)
26.27 LSST Photometric Redshifts and Applications
V.E. Margoniner (UC Davis), A. Connolly (U. Pittsburgh), J.A. Tyson (UC Davis)
26.28 The LSST Data Management System
J. Kantor, T. Axelrod (LSST Corp), LSST Data Management Team
26.29 The LSST Image Processing Pipeline
A. Becker (U. Washington), T. Axelrod (LSST Corp), Z. Ivezic (U. Washington), R. Lupton (Princeton), N. Silvestri (U.Washington), A. Rest (CTIO, NOAO)
26.30 The LSST Detection and Association Pipelines
T. Axelrod (LSST Corp), A. Becker (U. Washington), A. Connolly (U. Pittsburgh), K. Cook (LLNL, NOAO), R. Lupton (Princeton), S. Nikolaev (LLNL), A. Rest (CTIO,NOAO), N. Silvestri (U.Washington), C. Smith (CTIO, NOAO)
26.31 The LSST Deep Detection and Analysis Pipeline: Optimal Reconstruction of Galaxy Shapes
C. Roat, D. Wittman, J.A. Tyson (UC Davis)
26.32 Efficiently Tracking Moving Sources in the LSST
J. Kubica (CMU), T. Axelrod, K. Barnard (U. Arizona), A. Connolly (U. Pittsburgh), L. Denneau (UH), A. Efrat (U. Arizona), J. Heasley, R. Jedicke (UH), B. Moon (U. Arizona), A. Moore (CMU), S. Morris, P. Rao (U. Arizona)
26.33 LSST Data Access Overview
J. Becla (SLAC), S. Nikolaev, G. Abdulla (LLNL), A.S. Szalay, M. Nieto-Santisteban, A. Thakar (JHU), T. Axelrod (LSST Corp), J. Gray (Microsoft), R. Pike (Google), W. Rosing (Las Cumbres Observatory)
26.34 LSST Data Management Infrastructure
D. Dossa, C. Matarazzo (LLNL), S. Marshall (SLAC), C. Smith, R. Lambert (CTIO, NOAO), M. Butler, C. Cribbs, R. Plante (NCSA), D. Sweeney, J. Kantor (LSST Corp)
26.35 Weak Lensing Cosmology with LSST: Three-Point Shear Correlations
M. Jarvis (U. Penn), M. Takada (Tohoku U.), B. Jain, G. Bernstein (U. Penn)

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