AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 25 VO and Source Surveys
Poster, Monday, 9:20am-7:00pm, January 9, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[25.02] Creating a VOTimeseries

A.J. Drake (Caltech), M.E. Huber (LLNL), A.K. Vivas (CIDA), D. Gasson, R.A. Allsman (NOAO)

The epoch of massive, time-domain surveys is nearly here with the construction of Pan-STARRS-1, and ongoing development of the LSST. There already exist, however, significantly large time-domain surveys, legacy or in progress (i.e., MACHO, OGLE, LONEOS, PalomarQuest, SuperMACHO), that can provide a wealth of secondary science as well as precursor information for future programs. Data mining in these datasets proves to be a challenge given the variety of formats, interfaces, and availability without even considering the idea of merging them. We are continuing work started at the second NVO Summer School to provide VO-enabled access to an initially select set of time-domain data in order to explore a variety of topics including tracers of Galactic Halo structure, discovery of QSOs and the long-term monitoring of AGN, interacting binaries, and long-period variables.

Currently, we are experimenting with directly accessible datasets in binary/ASCII format (LONEOS, Quest RR Lyrae, FSVS), online datasets with HTTP/GET enabled setups (NSVS, Quest1), and combination of the two (MACHO, OGLE). The Quest RR Lyrae, Macho Variable Star, and other catalogs have been integrated into individual VOSS2 FullSkyNode web services supporting ADQL input queries and providing VOTable light curve output. A prototype HTTP/GET wrapper was implemented to request and retrieve MACHO light curve data. This will be extended for other HTTP/GET enabled sites.

Using VO tools and standards we are interested in developing a time-series methodology and a compatible application base. Essentially, a fully enabled time-domain extractor service would provide ``one-stop shopping'' where a single ADQL query extracts the time-series data as a VOTable/SED format object. In the future, we envision using a time-domain object in DataScope to access a time-domain registry service and provide a time-domain object extractor service by sending ADQL requests to time-domain database servers.

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