AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 177 Galaxy Clusters across the Spectrum
Poster, Thursday, 9:20am-4:00pm, January 12, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[177.04] Chandra Analysis of a Possible Cooling Core Cluster at z=1.03

K. Dolan (Lawrence University), H. Ebeling (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

We present an analysis of \textit{Chandra} observations of a massive cluster of galaxies at high redshift, Cl J1415+3612 at z=1.03, investigating whether the cluster possesses a cooling core. If the cluster does possess a cooling core, it will be the earliest known example of a massive cooling core cluster. We find Cl J1415+3612 to be of a relaxed morphology through the use of a two-dimensional X-ray surface brightness model, and we use spectral fitting to find that the temperature of the cluster is kT=5.7±.49 keV. Spectral fitting gives a temperature of 7.03±.01 keV for the core and 4.45±.58 keV for the outer cluster, which suggests that the core is warmer than the rest of the cluster, but too few counts are available for the spectral fits to be definitive. We find through one-dimensional spatial modeling that the radial surface brightness profile of the cluster cannot be satisfactorily modeled without some strong central peak in addition to the standard \beta model, which is suggestive of the presence of a cooling core.

The use of spectrally normalized exposure maps is also discussed, and we mention the importance of correcting for the degradation of the \textit{Chandra} ACIS low-energy quantum efficiency when performing spectral fits to energies below 1 keV.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.