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D.F. de Mello (GSFC/CUA), J.P. Gardner (GSFC)
We present the analysis of the morphology of star-forming galaxies using the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey done with the Hubble Space Telescope. These objects are characterized by single, double or multiple clumps. Their morphology, sizes and their environment can be used to test the current models of galaxy formation. The evolutionary path that these faint galaxies take to become today's galaxies remains largely unknown. These clumps are bluer and fainter than Lyman break galaxies but of comparable sizes, have spectral types of starbursts and photometric redshifts < 3. We will discuss their properties and role in galaxy evolution. These objects can be (i) dwarf galaxies having strong bursts of star-formation, (ii) the building blocks or sub-units which will merge to form larger galaxies or (iii) clumpy star-forming regions in disks.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.