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I. Soechting (Oxford University, UK), L. Campusano (Universidad de Chile, Chile), C. Haines (Osservatorio Astronomico Capodimonte, Italy), G. Williger (Johns Hopkins University, USA), R. Clowes (University of Central Lancashire, UK), M. Graham (Caltech), D. Valls-Gabaud (Observatoire Midi-Pyrinees, France)
The largest large-scale structures (super-LSSs, SLSSs) provide essential tests for models of structure formation and allow the very efficient study of large numbers of galaxies, clusters and other mass markers such as quasars. The epoch z~1 has emerged as ``special", from both observational and theoretical arguments, for the evolution of galaxies and for the assembly of galaxy clusters. In a sky area extending several degrees and through deep multicolor imaging, we have found 'superposed' SLSS >~ 20-30 Mpc at both z~0.8 and z~1.2 (Haines, Campusano & Clowes, 2004) . In this paper we present the results of the follow-up spectroscopy of a 5'x5' region targeting the z~0.8 structure using GMOS on Gemini South.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.